Epistel,  Poetikon,  Utopia

With love from Russia














  do come in …


Send your countless maddened sons, your goaded slaves.

Russias endless plains will consume their pains, pain in vain.

They will be made nourishment for the earth, as bitter grape,

regardless if they are killed and rot in their graves

or provide Russia with more life, by love or rape


  do come in …


Hitler tried before,

Napoleon before him …


  do come in …


… always the same predictable instability through history

–   this unnatural  “status quo”  in  hieracic societies  –

in a cosmos of  unpredictable stability )

… always the same faithful unfaithful

invisible hand, the nameless

faceless and presumptuous


” masters  of  the  universe “








knock   knock    knock


*      *      *



      …  do come in …



*      *      *



     knock  on  wood



*      *      *



… haven ‘t  you  guessed  it  yet   ?



*      *      *



…  beware  of  the  dots,

they  suck  blood,  like  knots








Liars,  thieves  and  assassins

Rothchildts and goldsmiths,

gangsters and banksters,

selfappointed  ” gods  people “,

kings, queens and queers,

orcs from the dirty mud,

and dragon flies of Rome,

              …  all burst into tears,

                        drowned in their blood,

                                  and never found home …



… do come in …


…  and  get  a  life …

