“crazy†bird” ( + particularly the mRNA†injection ! ) wan†s YOU
ANNOUNCEMENT : – another mRNA-injection has been produced in advance by Your local gods, who has already decided, and now officially predicts, that the next catastrophe is “Bird-flu”. “Comming to a theater near You” .…
NATO = dead democracies & killing economies
NA†O´s inevitable terminal fase. Natoxic Stoltenberg and Macron´s race to the bottom. ( orig. published 2024.1.27 ) Geopolitical analysis by Pepe Escobar : https:/∆/hugh.cdn.rumble.cloud/video/s8/2/v/D/v/9/vDv9n.caa.rec.mp4 https:/∆/hugh.cdn.rumble.cloud/video/s8/2/k/o/w/S/kowSr.caa.mp4 https:/∆/hugh.cdn.rumble.cloud/video/s8/2/A/f/F/g/AfFgo.caa.rec.mp4 …
en hyldest til den frie, kompromisløse og uundgåelige kunst ( øjeblikke fra et menneskes liv, i kunstens tjeneste ~ John Olsen in memoriam ) ” signatur ~ sig(neret) af …