
Blind leder Blind – Palæstina-Israel-Mellemøsten





Palæstina  Israel  og  Mellemøsten  i   kontekst.





Refaat  Alareer :



If I must die,

you must live

to tell my story

to sell my things

to buy a piece of cloth

and some strings,

(make it white with a long tail)

so that a child, somewhere in Gaza

while looking heaven in the eye

awaiting his dad who left in a blaze—

and bid no one farewell

not even to his flesh

not even to himself—

sees the kite, my kite you made,

flying up above

and thinks for a moment an angel is there

bringing back love

If I must die

let it bring hope

let it be a tale.





(  remove ∆  and you have the full link )











Israel has been waging war against the Palestinians for many years, with ethnic cleansing and war crimes, bombings of Gaza and the West Bank, etc. The war can be traced back to the early 1900’s, when the Zionists began their colonization and conquest of Palestine. All attempts to call the Zionists and the new state of Israel to sanity and unity have so far been in vain.

The question of Zionism is as central as the question of apartheid in South Africa was. Zionism is a wrong response to anti-Semitism and manipulates the history, memories and identities of the Jews. Zionism is turning the Jews – Europe’s former pariahs condemned not to assimilation – into European colonists in the Middle East.

This nationalist ideology is not only criminal to the Palestinians, but offers no solution for the Jews, whom it deliberately endangers and whom it will mislead into traitors or accomplices.














Breughel  :   Blind  leder  Blind 












Historie / Baggrund

Reaktioner og anskuelser i det officielle  DK

Reaktioner og anskuelser i det kristne miljø i DK

 + A rare example of courageous statements among christians in these unusual times

Universelle vilkår for alle, uanset tilhørsforhold til etnicitet, kultur, religion etc

Åbent brev til DKs statsminister fra folket

Folkets manifest    ( et udkast )

Chief Seattle´s  tale til  ” den hvide mand “

Aboriginals  reflektioner  over  ” den hvide mand ”  og penge

Den arabiske verdens officielle reaktioner :

Syrien, 12. nov  2023

Arab  Summit,  Riyadh  12.  nov  2023

Reaktioner fra det jødiske verdenssamfund

Open letter – from israelis to israelis

Brev til Gazas børn ( english ) – af Christopher Hedges

Jan Øberg explains how you have to focus on the underlying conflict – not the violence – if you want peace. All war, terror and crimes have an underlying conflict that hasn´t been addressed:   ( remove   and you have the full link )

Jan Øberg / Jan Oberg  description and prediction of the ongoing genocide :  The Occident is heading for the ultimate Accident


Prognosis for Israel –  The death of Israel – by  Christopher Hedges

Tavsheden blandt mordere/bødler medskyldige og ofre – uanset hvilken side/part i sagen






  Are You Lost in the World Like Me ?  ( Steve Cutts)






Ethvert menneskeliv er uvurderligt. Ethvert tab rummer ubeskrivelige lidelser, et nedbrændt bibliotek, en selvstændig og unik verdens undergang. Hvis man tegner netværket omkring et menneske som ringe i vandet, så står de nærmeste i den tætteste ring, altimens stort set hele verden strejfer hinanden i 3. eller 4. ring. Det skal minde os om hvor uoverskueligt mange der potentielt berøres af blot et enkelt menneskes lidelse og død. Derfor er krig unødige lidelser og tab for alle involverede parter, direkte såvel som indirekte.

Det er endnu aldrig lykkedes for nogen at ” udrydde fjenden ” i nogen krig. Livets kan ikke knuses definitivt af selv de mest livsfjendske omstændigheder. Livet er uovervindeligt. Det betyder at ideer om at “vinde en krig” er forrykte, og udtryk for et grundlæggende brud på kontakt med virkeligheden. Krig betyder “blot” at lidelser og blod imellem de krigende parter kan flyde i det uendelige – uden at det ændrer det endelige udfald. Det endelige findes ikke, langt mindre “den endelige løsning”.

Derudover er krigen en beskidt forretningsmodel, der for ganske få giver et større udbytte end Las Vegas    40:1    for disse “dødens købmænd” er de formelle “tabere/vindere” underordnet for profitten. Modellen blev især udviklet af Rothchilddynastiet efter 1776, og nåede et tidligt højdepunkt da Nathan Rothchild ifm Napoleons nederlag ved Waterloo, erobrede Bank of England. Krige indledes altid på en løgn – og slutter senest  når folk er trætte af lidelser og død for at bank/finansverdens / MIC / MIMAC  ( MIC = millitary industrial complex / MIMAC = millitary industrial media academic complex ) kan skabe sin profitmaksimering og opretholde den overordnede økonomiske/sociale/koloniale ulighed.

Spillet er usynligt – smerten er til gengæld særdeles mærkbar og virkelig for de fleste. De ved ofte ikke hvor den kommer fra. En udbredt mistanke kan man altid skubbe fra sig. Det der fastholder slaven, er dennes indbildning om at være “tryg”, en afglans af lykke og priviligier. Lykkelige slaver er de bitreste fjender af friheden. Friheden er kun negativt defineret : fraværet af tvang/undertrykkelse/løgn/tyveri/mord. Idag krænkes frihed primært gennem afhængighedsskabende mekanismer, “belønning/straf”, og lignende “lokkemetoder” – “børnelokkerens røde slikpind i kælderskakten”  ( ved trussel om magtanvendelse, ” … hvis du gør som jeg siger, så mærker du nærmest intet… ” – altså, alt gøres betinget, hvilket er det modsatte af kærlighed, som i sin rene form må være betingelsesløs ). Disse metoder tager definitionen af ” frihed ” ikke højde for – derfor ligner den såkaldte frie verden mere et fængsel, et narcissistisk fængsel af samme størrelse og udbredelse som vor sårbare krop, hvor egoet er både fangevogter og fange, fanget i sit eget (tanke)spind.


Bank/finansdynastierne opfatter gerne sig selv som ekceptionelle, og viger ikke tilbage for at opfatte sig selv, eller lade sig tilbede, som guder. Folk, for hvem smerten er virkelig, beder om frelse hos andre guder, hvis de kan finde sådanne – eller ved at skabe dem selv. Håbet er det eneste der er tilbage, når alt er sluppet ud af Pandoras Æske.

Særlig ondt bliver det, hvis/når det lykkes for bank/finansdynastierne at få almindelige folk til at tro på dem. Betragt mønten igen :  gud på den ene side og kejseren på den anden. Vælger du imellem disse har du tabt, ved at skabe din fjende gennem den du fravælger. Giver du kejseren hvad hans er, og gud hvad guds er, er du medskyldig i videreførelse af den etablerede uretfærdighed, hvor del og hersk gennem tilpasning opretholdes – også tværs igennem selve gudsbegrebet og monarchens diskutable ekceptionelle/enestående/enevældige position. Kløver du mønten ( med stor vanskelighed ), kan du anklages for at destruere andres ejendom – enten af møntudstederen, kejserens embedsfolk og soldater, eller af “guds præsteskab og domstol”, inkvisitionen.


Vejen videre frem er at gennemskue disse illusioner, feje dem til side, og rette opmærksomheden og kræfterne i retning af at skabe/genskabe en harmonisk samfundsorden, baseret på frivillighed blandt ligesindede. Skal det lykkes, må man påkalde sig en højere “jurisdiktion” end den omgivende – en højere moral og etik. Man skal se sig godt for :  selv paven har med titlen ” his holy sea ” sikret sig en højtrangerende “jurisdiktion”, eftersom planetens landmasser er omsluttet af verdenshavene. Livet som et universelt fænomen er af højere rang. Solen og planeterne er af højere rang. Galaksen og det øvrige kosmos må være af højeste rang.

Ydmyghed og suverænitet følges ad, som modsætninger der kompletterer hinanden:

Ethvert punkt i universet repræsenterer modsat rettede tilstande : det er et suverænt univers, i sin egen væren og ret – og det er samttidig en ubetydelig satelit/underordnet del af et større univers – heri ligger det moralsk/etiske kompas “gemt” – ethvert liv er uvurderligt – ethvert liv må kende sin ydmyge position som en del af noget større, hvori andre dele indgår med lige værdi/ret.

Dette – livets og universets lov – er indskrevet i alt, fra det mindste til det største, fra det “subatomare” …  over den menneskelige verden … til det planetariske, solsystemer og stjerner, det “galaktiske” … clusters … superclusters …  det er indskrevet og genkendeligt og kan visuelt gengives, dækkende for “hele skalaen”, med torus-formen / “vector-equillibrium” :




Torus / Vector Equillibrium
det gennemgående mønster,

fra atomer … over menneskets verden … til galakser












Blind leder blind – ikke kun ift terror, økonomisk krise-orkestrering, usynlig virus, konflikter, der leder til krige, som f.eks Ukraine … og nu Israels krige i Palæstina/Libanon/Syrien …. den eneste officielle reaktion er :  ” Israel har ret til at forsvare sig “. Hvordan ville reaktionen have set ud hvis “de hvide” i Apartheid-sydafrika, og nazisterne i 30-40ernes Tyskland havde ytret sig på tilsvarende måde ?  ….  der er tale om dobbelt standard og hykleri, samt medansvarlighed for den handlinger der begåes. ! Ingen af parterne har ret til at begå krigsforbrydelser, uanset situationen. I flere århundreder frem til 1900-tallet levede semitter, jøder palestinensere og arabere, sammen i Palæstina og det mellemøstlige område. Efter det osmanniske riges sammenbrud tegnede Sykes-Picot (UK/Frankrig) de nye grænser – de såkaldte “bloodlines” – en karakteristisk britisk måde, som blev praktiseret overalt hvor det britiske imperium måtte afstå territorium. Særligt manifesteret af Ratcliffe, Mountbattens håndlanger, da Indien blev opdelt mellem Indien/Pakistan. Balfour og Rothschild fortsatte hvor Sykes-Picot slap deres “hvide kirurgiske snit” tværs gennem alle naturligt og kulturelt betingede relationer i Mellemøsten – alene dette navn : ” Mellem-østen ” røber hvordan disse mennesker tænkte. Balfour og Rothschild delte flere fælles aversioner. Balfour ville undgå en stærk og indflydelsesrig jødisk repræsentation i den europæiske verden, Rothchild ville gerne af med  potentielle rivaler blandt “sine egne” – begge regnede ikke den arabiske kultur for noget. Enigheden udmøntede sig i Balfourdeklarationen i 1917, hvorefter det zionistiske projekt begyndte at tage form

Zionismen er blot en enkelt gren af det nationalistiske stamtræ der udvikler sig fra slutningen af 1800tallet til kulminationen i Tyskland 1920erne-1945 – frem til idag, hvor den lever i “bedste velgående” .

Derpå fulgte enorme investeringer og jordopkøb i Palæstina ( bl.a. Rothchild-associerede banker/fonde ), større jordbesiddere blev opkøbt, og ( de palæstinensiske ) bønder blev smidt ud. Zionisterne og nazisterne fortsatte i 30erne det samarbejde som Balfour-Rothschild havde indledt – the Havaara-agreement ( der førte til at ca 60 000 tyske jøder blev sendt til Palæstina fra 1933-39de fik valget mellem at blive i Tyskland eller rejse til Palæstina, andre muligheder blev ikke givet ) – der blev udstedt en medaljon der associeres med dette samarbejde, med jødestjernen på den ene side af medaljonen, og nazi/svastika-tegnet på den anden side. Kan det næsten blive mere diabolsk ? Kimen til de efterfølgende konflikter, og det kommende Israel, var sået. Siden fulgte statsdannelsen af Israel, den fortsatte ekspropriation af palæstinensisk territorium, ulovlige bosættelser, krigen i 1967 … frem til den nuværende situation.




  Havaara Agreement  1933 – 1939




 Det kan måske undre at der indgåes alliancer af denne karakter, da mange umiddelbart ville tro at parterne var indbyrdes modstandere/fjender. Både i alliancen mellem Balfour-Rothchild og mellem zionister-nazister 1933-1939 ligger forklaringen i krigslogikkens vertikale principper – de fleste opfatter konventionel krig som et horisontalt princip, f.eks strid om territorier. Det vertikale princip navigerer ud fra hierakiske samfundsstrukturer – og i sådanne situationer kan et jødisk bank/finans-dynasti pludselig se fælles interesser med Balfour, som ønsker at landsforvise jøderne fra England/UK/City of London. For zionisterne var ønsket om at tvinge de tyske jøder til at emigrere til Palæstina i overensstemmelse med nazisternes ønske om at landsforvise de tyske jøder.

Det tredie eksempel der demonstrerer krigslogikkens horisontale og vertikale principper er da franskmænd og tyskere droppede den igangværende indbyrdes territoriale – horisontale – krig, da folk i Paris gjorde oprør, midt i krigen, og dannede pariserkommunen i 1871. Franske og tyske tropper allieredes og gik sammen ind for at slå det parisiske oprør ned.

Den slags alliancer anfægter etiske principper og virker derfor anstødende på mange.







 Palæstinas regression   ~  Israels ekspansion




1917  :   Situationen i den osmanniske periode ( ca 400 år )

1946 :   udenlandsk jordopkøb, ekspropriering af palæstinensiske bønder frem til                                        statsdannelsen af Israel, jøder udgør under 10%,

1947 :   den nye deling ml Palæstina / Israel, jøder udgør 30%, palæstinensere                                            70% – landareal : 55% til jøderne, 45%  til palæstinenserne

1967 :    grænserne efter Israels invasion/besættelse af Palæstinsisk territorium,                                            jøderne har ca 80% af landareal, palæstinenserne ca 20%

2023  :   Palæstina reduceret til koncentrationslejre under total israelsk                                                          kontrol


– læg dertil Israels angreb på nabostater og okkupation af fremmed territorium, på Sinai, i Sydlibanon og Golanhøjderne i Syrien …. and still counting …  pga bl.a palæstinensiske og irakiske flygtninge blev indbyggertallet i Jordan fordoblet fra ca 2004 til 2018 …. and still counting





David Hearst, hvis egen familie blev halveret i de tysk ledede koncentrationslejre under WWII, har følgende kommentar :

( fjern  så har du det fulde link )

Under et foredrag i Tyskand blev Norman Finkelstein udsat for rasende og frustrerede tilstedeværende, som mere end ønsket om dialog, tilsyneladende var mødt op for at sabotere foredraget. Det lykkedes dog for Norman Finkelstein at respondere med følgende :

  it is exactly because of the lessons my parents taught me and my siblings, that I will not be silenced when Israel commits its crimes against the palestinians. And I concider nothing more despicable than to use their suffering and their martyrdom to try to justify the torture, the brutalisation, the demolition of homes that Israel commits daily agianst the palestinians.  So I refuse any longer to be intimidated or browbeaten by the ( crocodile ) tears … if you have any heart in you, you would be crying for the palestinians 

( Norman Finkelstein, 2009 )

Herefter blev Norman Finkelstein officielt udhængt som “en selvhadende jøde”, fordi han insisterer på at Israel skal overholde menneskerettigheder og lignende internationale ratificeringer.




(2)  &  (3)



DKs ledelse er fuldstændig forblindet i denne sag, ligeledes er store dele af det kristne samfund. Reaktionerne er præget af at mange kun forholder sig for/imod til den øjeblikkelige situation. Mange taler om krig, men ignorerer den afgørende faktor, den underliggende konflikt som er opbygget over lang tid. Andre forsøger at trække historiske udviklingsforløb frem, men har ikke styr på simple fakta og ender med at rode det hele sammen. I bladet, Udfordringen, som kalder sig selv for “hele kirkens blad”, har Israel en selvstændig hovedkategori* – noget tilsvarende findes ikke for andet udenfor det traditionelt afgrænsede kristne univers der dækkes af dette blad. Visse “kristne værdier” skinner igennem, såsom at man viser forståelse for alle parters lidelser og tab – men konflikter belyses ensidigt ud fra ortodoks kristendom, og Israel opfattes fundamentalt som et “offer”, der tilsyneladende ikke kan kritiseres for noget. Palæstina og andre undertrykte folkeslag får ikke tilnærmelsesvis den samme behandling og prioritet. Hvadenten der refereres til tros-forestillingsverdener eller historiske fakta, så hænger det ikke sammen og ender som øvrige fatamorganaer med at glide ud i sandet. En afbalanceret verdensanskuelse overskygges af kulturel egocentricitet og institutionaliseret ignorance og blindhed.


*  tilføjelse 8.3.2024 : 

Bladet “Udfordringen” har ændret hovedkategorier, og Israel figurerer ikke længere som selvstændig kategori. Ændringen er næppe udtryk for kristne dyder, eller selvransagelse  – men muligvis fordi nogle har holdt spejlet op foran dem. Den verserende konflikt mellem staten Israels etablering på palæstinensisk territorium – som har pågået i mere end 75 år – dækkes stadig ensidigt af “udfordringen” såvel som stort set hele den øvrige officielle kristne kirke/medieverden, både i Dk og andre vestlige lande – til trods for at kristne samfund i de berørte områder i Mellemøsten har rettet officiel appel til deres kristne “brødre og søstre” i vor del af verden.

Ændring af kategorier i “Udfordringen” sker på en måde som atter en gang bekræfter hvor galt det står til med tankegangen i det kristne mediemiljø. Ændringen svarer til at en tyv, efter at være blevet taget på fersk gerning, tror sig i stand til at kunne redde sig ud af situationen ved blot at lægge tyvegenstandene tilbage. Ingen proces, ingen reflektion – stadig tyv af sind.

I den rungende tavshed gnaver djævlen videre i det dystopiske officielle danske kirke- og mediemiljø – og gør den kristne verden i US, EU medskyldige og medansvarlige for det igangværende genocide. Derved pådrager den kristne kultur i vor del af verden sig betydelig fare – ligesom det åbenlyst er tilfældet for de direkte involverede parter i Mellemøsten – ingen nævnt, ingen glemt. Søren Kirkegaard havde øje for dette fænomen, og udtrykte det således :  ”  præsteskabet har bygget kirken oven på Jesu grav for at være HELT sikker på at han ikke kommer op igen “.  Søren Kierkegaard havde en stor kærlighed til Jesus, hvilket fremgår af både hans tekster og gravinskriptionen på Assistens Kirkegaard.



Her er nogle eksempler på bladets emner og holdninger :









”   The silence of the good people is more dangerous
                                   than the brutality of the bad people  “


               Martin Luther King




 ”  vi er alle kriminelle, hvis vi forbliver tavse

Stefan Zweig





Det må antages at de kristne dyder har ligheder med de journalistiske dyder – og at det overordnet er kristne kerneværdier at bane vejen for sandhed tolerance og indlevelse i andres situation – uanset om det gavner én selv – hvorfor den generelle mediedækning, herunder også “Udfordringen”,  samt mange kristnes udbredte opfattelse kalder på undren.

Dette illustrerer noget af den mentale blindhed, som antydes i artiklens overskrift.






 A rare example of courageous statements among christians in these unusual times:


Pastor Munther Issac at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, delivered a powerful Christmas sermon on the war in Gaza and why the world must stand with Palestinians. ” The hypocrisy and racism of the Western world is transparent and appalling ” :×360/jgu8SBTuTTPYU86f.mp4

( remove    and you have the full link )










Uanset om man opfatter sig selv som kristen troende, eller blot er født ind i en kultur som bygger på det kristne værdigrundlag, den såkaldte kristne kulturarv, så må man reagere på det eskallerende barbari og den hensynsløse vold og vildskab, uanset hvem hvad og hvor den kommer fra – i dette tilfælde er Israel og zionismen ansvarlig for den konflikt, der fører til den nuværende situation. I perioden 1948-2006 har Israel gennem handlinger – såvel som strategisk fravær af handlinger – opbygget konflikten. I 2006 dannes Hamas, som vælges efter internationale politiske retningslinier. Reaktionen er menneskelig forståelig – men krigsforbrydelser er uacceptable, uanset hvilken/hvilke parter der udfører dem, og uanset hvilken/hvilke begrundelser for disse der henvises til. Både Palæstina og Isrel har lov til at forsvare sig, men ingen ret til at begå krigsforbrydelser.

Jeg henviser til David Hearst, Norman Finkelstein, Christopher Hedges og Pål Steigan m.fl, samt store dele af det jødiske verdenssamfund, hvoraf 2/3 idag lever udenfor Israel.

Men det stopper ikke her –  konflikten eskallerer. Israel fører pt krig både mod Palæstina, Syrien, Libanon, og går tilmed langt over stregen ift Jordan og Ægypten, som heldigvis indtil videre ikke har reageret på Israels optrapning af konflikt ift disse lande, selvom der med henvisning til folkeret er et moralsk/etisk grundlag tilstede.

Og det eskallerer videre:  de officielle reaktioner over hele den vestlige verden lyder : ” Israel er under angreb, og har ret til at forsvare sig. ” Reaktionerne er fuldstændig blottet for rummelighed og forståelse af alle parter i konflikten, uden empati – og havde den generelle officielle reaktion været møntet på apartheid i Sydafrika, eller Nazityskland … om disses “ret til at forsvare sig mod udskilte grupper af befolkningen …” … ville det have voldt de fleste lede og kvalme.

DKs statsminister havde intet overblik og ingen situationsfornemmelse, da hun overreagerede på en journalists spørgsmål om hvorvidt statsministeren havde forståelse for alle civiles lidelser og tab – og rettede et direkte angreb mod journalisten, for åben skærm – en fatal misforståelse, der røber en karakterbrist hos det menneske der bestrider eet af landets højeste embeder ( hvilket mennesket bag vil benægte eller være uforstående overfor – hvilket blot bekræfter den antydede psykiske tilstand, som må påkalde sig lægefaglig interesse ).

Mange kristne har svært ved at forholde sig til konfliktens mange sider, og falder ofte tilbage på en tillært rygmarvsreaktion, hvor omkvædet er  ” … iflg biblen … er det jødiske folk ….  udvalgt af gud… “. Alle folkeslag på planeten har skabelsesberetninger, guder, stamfædre og historiske personer, knyttet til særlige tider og steder. I respekt for alle disse folkeslags unikke forestillinger, må man igen respektere alle parter i en hvilken som helst konflikt – og ikke kun favorisere den ene part på andres bekostning.





” … depleted minds from depleted empires send depleted arsenals
of outdated weapons ( including depleted uranium ) to depleted
leaders from depleted countries =   full circle of depletion …





Mange officielle entiteter fremturer med påstande om “fake” og “misinformation”, men gør aldrig først rede for deres egne motiver og bevæggrunde. Hvis deres motiver var redelige og anstændige, ville de indlede med en erklæring om at åben debat mellem alle parter er en forudsætning for at etablere et afbalanceret, realistisk og faktuelt grundlag, samt hvordan de selv forsøger at leve op til anstændige faglige, videnskabeligt redelige og universelle idealer som sandhed, ægthed med referencer til en større og mere kompleks virkelighed ( som er det vilkår ALLE lever med ). De ville erklære at de selv ville være de første til at rette fejl, når/hvis sådanne indtraf. Men der kommer ikke et ord herom … ( og langt mindre handling … )  tværtimod rettes angrebet direkte mod andre – mod andre med anden relevant viden eller blot anderledes tænkende  – det flyder let og rundhåndet med påstande, insinuationer og tilsvining af enhver der har en anden opfattelse, eller besidder en anden viden end deres … alene fordi det ikke er i overensstemmelse med den såkaldte “officielle forklaring”. Manglen på inkonsekvens er ofte så vidtgående, at selvom man for tankeeksperimentets skyld tager løgnene for pålydende, overholdes end ikke de iboende præmisser for dem.

Disse “officielle forklaringer” er ofte baseret på magt, trussel, vold, løgn, tyveri og mord ….  mere end at være et oprigtigt ønske om saglig og sober formidling, i kærlighed til sandhed, i en højere og kompleks virkeligheds tjeneste ( som er det fælles vilkår alle deler ) … af kærlighed til kærlighed …


Der er tale om et globalt totalteater som med hurtigtskiftende repetoire gennem det ene katastrofale optrin efter det andet, målrettet og kontinuerligt sørger for at holde så mange som muligt i et strubegreb, med undtagelsestilstand og uudgrundelig angst. Forudgående episoder, som  “war on terror”, “finansturbulensen 2008”, swineflu/H1N1 i 2009, de bevidst fremprovokerede flygtningsstrømme i 2015, CO(van)VID19/lockdown/massepsykosen 2020-2022, Ukraine-folkemordet 2014-2023+ ? … leder frem til den aktuelle udløsning af det ultimative helvede, konflikten omkring Israel – ganske som det fra slutningen af 1800′ tallet ligger i ideologi, handling og øvrige dispositioner. Her kan man tale om en form for konsekvens, der leder tanken hen på hvordan Rothchilds m.fl. aktivt har banet vejen for deres selvopfundne “forretningsmodel” :  de vigtige krige siden Napoleon … frem til  1 & 2. verdenskrig.





” Jeg drømte
at jeg kunne se
mindre og mindre

til sidst var jeg ikke blind
men kunne se
ingenting  “





Den aktuelle konflikt og de deraf afledte krige, hvor Israel har iværksat 3-5 krige samtidigt, er ikke kun farlig for Palæstina og palæstinenserne, samt farlig for de øvrige lande i regionen – men er tilmed farlig for den jødiske befolkning i området, som er taget som gidsel af en ideologi – zionismen – som deler historisk bagrund og skæbnefællesskab med 1900tallets totalitære ideologiske strømninger. Den israelske stat har svært ved at se sig selv uden dette ideologiske grundlag – og de fleste aktører og sympatisører tilpasser sig bevidst/ubevidst det zionistiske koncept, og derved eskallerer situationen. Risikoen for historiske fejltagelser og undergangscenarier er overhængende.




Ordo  ab  Chao



Så desperat er en lille kerne af ultrarige – som anstrenger sig for at forblive navn- og ansigtsløse – for at skabe WW3. Trods alle bestræbelser på at gemme sig bag forhænget, er de alligevel kendt. Også kendt som MIC – millitary industrial complex – og opdateret af Jan Øberg :  MIMAC – millitary industrial media academic complex.

Krig er ikke kun en beskidt og nedværdigende forretningsmodel, introduceret af Rothchild og andre bank/finansdynastier siden 1776.

Det er skæbnens ironi at et forfulgt folk fra bl.a de tyske koncentrationslejre, idag har bygget verdens største koncentrationslejr, Gaza. I Gazas territoriale farvand findes enorme olie og gasforekomster. Disse afskæres palæstinenserne fra, ligesom de forhindres i at drive fiskeri indenfor det territoriale farvand. Koncentrationslejren har eksisteret så længe ( ca 30 år ) at en stor del af den palæstinensiske befolkning ( ca 2 mill ) aldrig har oplevet livet udenfor en koncentrationslejr. Udviklingen i Israel følger Gregory Stantons 10 faser frem mod genocide – læs mere herom :  ( remove and you got the full link )

Det er en åndelig/spirituel udfordring, udsprunget af den angst der har hærget menneskeheden gennem tiderne.




Mørke skyer hænger tungt over horisonten, solen står lavt og selv dværge kaster lange skygger – men husk at løsningen er ligeså tæt på :


Resist these destructive mechanisms by simply focusing on the basic principles of life :

” do not fear, do not panic, act accordingly – be what you are – and be the change you wanna see in the world ”

( M. Gandhi )









                   frit efter  Berith  Zenia  Fagergaard



Rødovre, 11.11.2023



Åbent brev til Mette Frederiksen, Danmarks Statsminister,

Som landets statsminister trådte du offentligt frem og meddelte, at du har sendt et brev til justitsministeren, for at undersøge muligheden for oprettelse af straffesager mod borgere der demonstrerer for Gaza eller som offentligt tilkendegiver sympati for alle civile, både palæstinensere og israelere, i forbindelse med den blodige konflikt i Palæstina og Israel. Du vil have politi-og anklagemyndighed til at gribe ind.
Denne udmelding er ildevarslende, og et stort tilbageskridt for åben dialog, ytringsfrihed og demokrati.

Du anerkender, at Israel med verdens mest avancerede overvågnings- og våbenudstyr, har ret til at forsvare sig – mens palæstinensere, som har været udsat for langt større trusler og angreb fra Israel gennem mere end 70 år, og råder over langt færre midler, ikke har ret til at forsvare sig.


Du sætter lighedstegn mellem at være palæstinenser og terrorist.
I din tale omkring krystalnatten, minder du borgerne i Danmark om jødeforfølgelse og Holocaust under 2. verdenskrig, men ignorerer at civilbefolkningen i Palæstina lider og gennemlever samme skæbne med en besættelsesmagt, der fratager dem deres rettigheder, undertrykker, forfølger og torturerer dem i deres eget land.

Mange jøder og deres efterkommere efter 2. verdenskrig, tager dybt afstand for de daglige folkedrab på palæstinenserne, og er uforstående overfor den israelske regering, som tilsidesætter livsvigtig og blodigt betalt lære af historien, selvom denne lære især blev betalt af jøder selv, ifm Holocaust.
Jøder i Israel beretter hvordan de fængsles af israelsk militær, hvis de forholder sig kritisk, ytrer sig eller på anden måde udtrykker sympati med det palæstinensiske folk. Det forlyder også at Israels regering har fjernet israelske borgeres juridiske rettigheder, hvilket underminerer demokratiet.
Over 2 millioner indbyggere i Gaza holdes indespærret på et areal, ca på størrelse med Fyn.
Den nye opblussen i konflikten har skabt en regulær krigszone, hvor civilbefolkningen afskæres for at søge beskyttelsesrum, sikkerhed eller livsnødvendig behandling på hospitaler – disse sønderbombes af den israelske regering gennem massive luftangreb. Skoler får samme behandling.
Boligkareer jævnes med jorden, familier fanges i murbrokkerne, begravet død eller levende. Antallet af dræbte og sårede stiger voldsomt dag for dag.
Der har været lukket for strøm, varme, lys, vand, internet og alle øvrige livsfornødenheder. Israel kalder det kun for “angreb mod Hamas”, men det er reelt genocide/folkemord !
Folk i Danmark tilkendegiver klart og utvetydigt at situationen i Palæstina og Israel er uacceptabel. Til trods herfor giver du udtryk for at folk herhjemme skal fratages de samme rettigheder, som det sker i Israel. Derved angriber du vort demokrati ! Som landets Statsminister repræsenterer du ikke hele befolkningen med dine egne meninger og holdninger til denne konflikt. Det er ikke kun dine handlinger, men også fraværet af handlinger, som gør din adfærd så destruktiv – som når du for eksempel ikke tager afstand for mord på den palæstinensiske civilbefolkning.

Der er pt indsamlet 67.700 underskrifter på  ( fjern så har du det fulde link ) , samt indsamlet penge til støtte for den berørte civilbefolkning i den nuværende konflikt/krig. Et stort antal mennesker har deltaget i offentlige demonstrationer, i protest mod at regeringen og politikere INTET foretager sig. Det er reaktioner du bør tage meget alvorligt.

Hamas angreb Israel i 6-7 timer, uden det israelske militær greb ind! Først derefter greb israelsk militær ind, og kom deres befolkning til undsætning. Israelske borgere blev råt og brutalt myrdet. Det har vakt undren i interne rækker i den israelske ledelse, og været et udbredt samtaleemne blandt den israelske befolkning. 


I krig gælder alle kneb. Er der tale om en “false flag” operation ?  – det er før set i historien, når man ønsker at skabe konflikt, konfrontation og krig. Den der har magten, skriver også historien.
Mossad har forbindelser overalt, også dybt ind i Hamas og det israelske militær.
Der bør gennemføres en uvildig undersøgelse, om hvorvidt der er begået krigsforbrydelser.
Det er en helt uholdbar situation, både for de civile borgere i Israel og i Palæstina.
Verdens øvrige regeringer løber fra deres moralske ansvar, når de fortaber sig i egne eller geopolitiske interesser, og “glemmer” menneskerettighederne, eller når de direkte/indirekte støtter diktaturer.
Ikke alle Israelere er zionister, ligesom ikke alle palæstinensere er Hamas.
Du vælger som landets statsminister at tage parti i denne konflikt, hvorved du afsporer debatten, og skaber en unuanceret debat. Du bruger primitive metoder, gør din modpart til syndebuk. Du burde istedet medvirke til at afdække den konflikt, som danner baggrunden for den nuværende situation.

Det er hverken jøder eller palæstinensere der er årsagen. Årsagen ligger i de zionistiske politiske strømninger der har været med til at splitte befolkningsgrupperne, og sætte dem op mod hinanden. Oprindelig levede arabere, palæstinensere, jøder og kristne m.fl. i fredelig sameksistens.
Vi der er kritiske overfor den israelske regering, er derfor hverken jødehader eller antisemit, men fokuserer udelukkende på de ødelæggende kræfter, der ikke ønsker freden, men vil skabe splid, lidelse og død – gennem den “del og hersk” og lignende destruktive metoder.

Vi ønsker i respekt for liv – alles liv – at du respekterer ikke kun jøder og israelere, men også palæstinensere og andre forfulgte folk – samt respekterer folk der generelt ønsker at leve i fred og fordragelighed med deres omgivelser, også det folk der lever i det land du officielt repræsenterer.

Frit efter Berith Zenia Fagergaard










To the unknown arriviste



You´re always making big plans for tomorrow
You wanna know why ?
Because you always make a mess of today

society is a big melting pot,
when You bring it to boil,
all the scum rises to the top.

So maybe there´s hope for you yet …









Det er vigtigt at tilkendegive hvor man står, det er vigtigt at protestere mod de kræfter som skader liv – men det er ligeså afgørende at stille spørgsmålet :  hvem er vi, de 99%, som vil leve – og hvordan vil vi udfolde det  ?


” Vi vælger at leve. Vi vælger os selv og hinanden. Vi lever ALLEVEGNE og til ALLE TIDER. Vi er dem som ER. Vi følger en højere universel sammenhæng. Vi udtrykker vor tro, viden, længsler og håb ligeså mangfoldigt som stjernerne på himlen. Vi følger vore drømme, visioner & kald. Vi er fri, fro og frejdige når vi går, i alle retninger, i en verden uden ende. Vi navigerer ud fra et simpelt princip – et indre medfødt kompas :

Vore tanker, ord og handlinger skal være til gavn for både vor Jord, alle levende skabninger, vore brødre og søstre, og os selv. Vi lærer af vores forfædre, vi kender os selv og hinanden, og vi bestræber os på at vore beslutninger og handlinger skal gavne vore efterkommere.

Vi lytter ikke til Jer, når I ikke lytter til Jer selv og det hjerte og den forstand I er født med. I er ikke ledere, rådgivere eller vejledere, når I hverken kan tage vare på jer selv eller de folk I har aflagt ed om at ville repræsentere. I er ikke vore jævnbyrdige og ligeværdige – fordi I har valgt ikke at være det. I repræsenterer en dødskult. Vi tilhører de levende og frie.

Hvad er problemet, dybest set ?

Går skellet mellem de som frygter døden, som “det endelige” – og de som frygtløst  ser døden som en overgang ?. Der er ting der er værre end døden.

De som frygter (“døden”) anbringer sig selv i narcissistens snævre fængsel : egoet, og det kun at leve for sig selv ( ofte på andres bekostning ). De som ikke frygter (“døden”) kan leve til fulde, og når- og hvorsomhelst gøre sig fri af alle love, grænser og autoriteter ( men aldrig på andres bekostning ), for at følge en større sammenhæng. De er ikke begrænset af deres ego.

Derfor er Jeres verden mindre. Derfor gør I livet mindre. Derfor efterlader I kun gæld, ødelæggelse og ubeboelige ruiner til de kommende generationer.

Derfor er vores verden større. Derfor er vi de mange, og I de få. Derfor lever vi i et univers, hvor alt fra det mindste til det største, ekspanderer. Derfor skaber vi en verden, hvor der er nok til alles behov – men ikke til alles grådighed. I tager mere end I giver – vi giver mere end vi tager. Vi er de stærke og mange. I er de svage og få.

Vores medvirken til skabelsen er forudsætningen for Jeres ødelæggelser. I burde være glade og taknemmelige over at vi også skaber mere for Jer. Vi udelukker ikke nogen – og kan til enhver tid overbyde Jeres underskudsbetonede ødelæggelsestrang med vores utrættelige og uudtømmelige overskud til at skabe nyt.

Det tager århundreder at bygge en katedral, men det tager kun et øjeblik at destruere den. De stærke skaber, de svage ødelægger. Notre Dame in memoriam.  “


( uddrag af :  Fra Folkedybet,  –  fjern så har du det fulde link )








”  The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth  “

Chief Seattle, 1854





Old Chief Seattle was the largest Indian I ever saw, and by far the noblest-looking. He stood 6 feet full in his moccasins, was broad-shouldered, deep-chested, and finely proportioned. His eyes were large, intelligent, expressive and friendly when in repose, and faithfully mirrored the varying moods of the great soul that looked through them. He was usually solemn, silent, and dignified, but on great occasions moved among assembled multitudes like a Titan among Lilliputians, and his lightest word was law.

When rising to speak in council or to tender advice, all eyes were turned upon him, and deep-toned, sonorous, and eloquent sentences rolled from his lips like the ceaseless thunders of cataracts flowing from exhaustless fountains, and his magnificent bearing was as noble as that of the most cultivated military chieftain in command of the forces of a continent. Neither his eloquence, his dignity, or his grace were acquired. They were as native to his manhood as leaves and blossoms are to a flowering almond.

His influence was marvelous. He might have been an emperor but all his instincts were democratic, and he ruled his loyal subjects with kindness and paternal benignity.

He was always flattered by marked attention from white men, and never so much as when seated at their tables, and on such occasions he manifested more than anywhere else the genuine instincts of a gentleman.

When Governor Stevens first arrived in Seattle and told the natives he had been appointed commissioner of Indian affairs for Washington Territory, they gave him a demonstrative reception in front of Dr. Maynard’s office, near the waterfront on Main Street. The bay swarmed with canoes and the shore was lined with a living mass of swaying, writhing, dusky humanity, until old Chief Seattle’s trumpet-toned voice rolled over the immense multitude, like the startling reveille of a bass drum, when silence became as instantaneous and perfect as that which follows a clap of thunder from a clear sky.

The governor was then introduced to the native multitude by Dr. Maynard, and at once commenced, in a conversational, plain, and straightforward style, an explanation of his mission among them, which is too well understood to require capitulation.

When he sat down, Chief Seattle arose with all the dignity of a senator, who carries the responsibilities of a great nation on his shoulders. Placing one hand on the, governor’s head and slowly pointing heavenward with the index finger of the other, he commenced his memorable address in solemn and impressive tones.





Chief Seattle allegedly wrote the following letter to President Franklin Pierce in 1855:


”  The Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. . . . But we will consider your offer, for we know if we do not . . . the white man may come with guns and take our lands. . . . How can you buy or sell the sky— the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. Yet we do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle of the water. . . . Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. . . . When the buffaloes are all slaughtered, the wild horses all tamed, the secret corners of the forest heavy with the scent of many men, and the views of the ripe hills blotted by talking wires, where is the thicket? Gone. Where is the eagle? Gone.  “






Chief Seattle´s speech, 1887-version:

Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. Today is fair. Tomorrow it may be overcast with clouds. My words are like the stars that never change. Whatever Seattle says, the great chief at Washington can rely upon with as much certainty as he can upon the return of the sun or the seasons. The white chief says that Big Chief at Washington sends us greetings of friendship and goodwill. This is kind of him for we know he has little need of our friendship in return. His people are many. They are like the grass that covers vast prairies. My people are few. They resemble the scattering trees of a storm-swept plain. The great, and I presume — good, White Chief sends us word that he wishes to buy our land but is willing to allow us enough to live comfortably. ( … )

There was a time when our people covered the land as the waves of a wind-ruffled sea cover its shell-paved floor ( … )

Youth is impulsive. When our young men grow angry at some real or imaginary wrong, and disfigure their faces with black paint, it denotes that their hearts are black, and that they are often cruel and relentless, and our old men and old women are unable to restrain them. Thus it has ever been. Thus it was when the white man began to push our forefathers ever westward ( … )

Our good father in Washington ( … ) sends us word that if we do as he desires he will protect us. His brave warriors will be to us a bristling wall of strength, and his wonderful ships of war will fill our harbors ( … ) The in reality he will be our father and we his children. But can that ever be? Your God is not our God! Your God loves your people and hates mine! He folds his strong protecting arms lovingly about the paleface and leads him by the hand as a father leads an infant son. But, He has forsaken His Red children, if they really are His. Our God, the Great Spirit, seems also to have forsaken us. Your God makes your people wax stronger every day. Soon they will fill all the land. Our people are ebbing away like a rapidly receding tide that will never return. The white man’s God cannot love our people or He would protect them. They seem to be orphans who can look nowhere for help. How then can we be brothers? How can your God become our God and renew our prosperity and awaken in us dreams of returning greatness? ( … )

To us the ashes of our ancestors are sacred and their resting place is hallowed ground. You wander far from the graves of your ancestors and seemingly without regret. Your religion was written upon tablets of stone by the iron finger of your God so that you could not forget ( … ) Our religion is the traditions of our ancestors — the dreams of our old men, given them in solemn hours of the night by the Great Spirit; and the visions of our sachems, and is written in the hearts of our people.

Your dead cease to love you and the land of their nativity as soon as they pass the portals of the tomb and wander away beyond the stars. They are soon forgotten and never return. Our dead never forget this beautiful world that gave them being. They still love its verdant valleys, its murmuring rivers, its magnificent mountains, sequestered vales and verdant lined lakes and bays, and ever yearn in tender fond affection over the lonely hearted living, and often return from the happy hunting ground to visit, guide, console, and comfort them.

Day and night cannot dwell together. The Red Man has ever fled the approach of the White Man, as the morning mist flees before the morning sun. ( … )

( … )  Sad-voiced winds moan in the distance. Grim fate seems to be on the Red Man’s trail, and wherever he will hear the approaching footsteps of his fell destroyer and prepare stolidly to meet his doom, as does the wounded doe that hears the approaching footsteps of the hunter.

A few more moon, a few more winters, and not one of the descendants of the mighty hosts that once moved over this broad land or lived in happy homes, protected by the Great Spirit, will remain to mourn over the graves of a people once more powerful and hopeful than yours. But why should I mourn at the untimely fate of my people? Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man whose God walked and talked with him as friend to friend, cannot be exempt from the common destiny. We may be brothers after all. We will see.

( … ) Ever part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as the swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits. And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children’s children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land ( … )

Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not altogether powerless.


( fate, emotions, thoughts, and powerplays, in common …  similar words )










Stephen Goldsmith, a Kaurna, Narungga, Ngarindjerri man from South Australia and a cultural educator, actor and performer, who talks about how generosity prevails in his community, so much so that the pleasantries of “please” and “thank you” needn’t exist.

He raises concerns that the importance placed on money has not only seen people without financial security; having “no money”, but that it has created a world of selfishness and greed. He sends a message from Aboriginal Australia to the world to think more about sharing with others and being generous, rather than focusing on ownership.

“We have survived the cataclysmic forces of nature and even colonisation,” he says. “We have established intricate trade routes that links us to how we communicate and share as a collective, rather individualist. You can’t just simply change a value system which have been passed on from 80,000 years or more.”

( remove  ∆   and you got the full link )









Statement,  Syria Arab Republic,  Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit, Riyadh 12. november 2023 :


”  Gaza has never been the issue; rather Palestine is the central cause and Gaza is an embodiment of its essence and a blatant expression of the suffering of its people.

Talking about Gaza individually misses the point, as it is part of a whole, and the recent aggression against it is just an event in a series of events dating back to seventy-five years of Zionist crime, with thirty-two years of a failed peace, the only absolute, irrefutable result of which is that the entity has increased its aggression, and the Palestinian situation has become more unjust, and miserable.

Neither the land nor the right has returned, neither in Palestine nor in the Golan. This situation has produced a political equation stating that more Arab meekness towards them equals more Zionist ferocity towards us, and that more hand extended by us equals more massacres against us. Zionist entity knows nothing about peace.

In light of this very clear equation, the aggression against Gaza cannot be investigated in isolation from the context of the Zionist massacres against the Palestinians committed previously, and the continuation of this – without a doubt – later.

In addition, we cannot isolate this ongoing crime by dealing “as Arab and Islamic countries” with the recurring events in a fragmented manner regarding the Palestinian cause. Our continued dealing with the aggression against Gaza today with the same methodology means paving the way by us for Israel to complete the massacres until the annihilation of the people and the death of the cause.

The emergency situation at our summit today is neither aggression nor killing, as both are ongoing and both are inherent and characteristic of the entity, but the emergency is Zionism outpacing itself in barbarism, which places us before unprecedented responsibilities, both humanly and politically, at a minimum, if we put aside the national security of our region.

From a humanitarian standpoint, there is no dispute about our duty to bear a large share of restoring the minimum requirements of life, whether through immediate aid or rebuilding the necessary infrastructure later, but do we continue to revolve in a vicious circle of killing and aid, then massacres, then aid, attacks, then statements?

The most important question is: What does the Palestinians need from us? Do they need humanitarian aid from us first, or do they need protection from us first from the upcoming genocide?

Here lies our role, and here lies our political work, but if we do not have real tools for pressure, then any step we take or speech we deliver has no meaning. The minimum that we have are the actual political tools, not the rhetorical ones, the most important of which is stopping any political track with the Zionist entity, with all what the political track includes, whether economic or other issues, so that its return is conditional on the entity’s commitment to an immediate and long-term cessation, not a temporary one, of crimes against all Palestinians in all of Palestine, while allowing bringing immediate aid into Gaza.

As for talking about the two states and launching the peace process and other details and rights, despite their importance, they are not the priority at this emergency moment, even though we know that talking about them will not bear fruit, because there is no partner, no sponsor, no reference, and no law, and because it is not possible to restore a right when the criminal became a judge, and the thief became a judge, and this is the state of the West today.

By our will only, my brothers, apart from our demands on Western countries, international institutions and others to assume their responsibilities, they bear only historical colonial responsibilities based on the oppression and plunder of peoples. By our will only, by the overwhelming popular public opinion in our countries, with the new reality imposed by the Palestinian resistance in our region, we possessed those tools. Let us use them, and let us take advantage of the global transformation that has opened for us political doors that have been closed for decades, so that we can enter through them and change the equations, and let the precious souls who rose in Palestine be a rewarding price for achieving what we were unable to do in the past and what we must accomplish in the present and in the future.


Syria Arab Republic,  Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit, Riyadh 12. november 2023







Resolution, Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit, Riyadh 12. november 2023 :



Riyadh, November 12, 2023, SPA

The Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit, which concluded in Riyadh on Saturday, adopted the following resolution:
We, the leaders of the states and governments of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the League of Arab States, have decided to merge the two summits that the OIC and the Arab League had decided to hold. This came in response to the kind invitations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the chair of the two summits) and the State of Palestine. We express our joint stance in condemning the brutal Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank, including Al-Quds Al-Sharif. We affirm addressing together this aggression and the humanitarian catastrophe that it causes. We seek to stop and end all Israeli illegal practices that perpetuate the occupation and deprive the Palestinian people of their rights, especially their right to freedom and to have an independent sovereign State on all their national territory.
We express our thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, for their kind hospitality.
We reaffirm all resolutions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League regarding the Palestinian cause and all occupied Arab territories.
We recall all resolutions of the United Nations and other international organizations regarding the Palestinian cause, the crimes of the Israeli occupation and the right of the Palestinian people to freedom and independence in all its territories, which have been occupied since 1967 and constitute a sole geographical unit.
We welcome the UN General Assembly Resolution A/ES-10/L.25 adopted by the tenth emergency session on 26 October 2023.
We affirm the centrality of the Palestinian cause and our standing with all our powers and capabilities by the brotherly Palestinian people in their legitimate struggle to liberate all their occupied territories and to meet all their inalienable rights. This particularly includes their right to self-determination and to live in their independent and sovereign state on the borders of June 4th, 1967 with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
We reaffirm that a just, lasting and comprehensive peace, which is a strategic option, is the only way to establish security and stability for all peoples of the region and protect them from cycles of violence and wars. This, we stress, will not be achieved without ending the Israeli occupation and resolving the Palestinian cause on the basis of the two-state solution.
We affirm that it is impossible to achieve regional peace while overlooking the Palestinian cause or attempting to ignore the rights of the Palestinian people. We stress that the Arab Peace Initiative, backed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, is an essential reference to this end.
We hold Israel, the occupying force, responsible for the continuation and aggravation of the conflict, which is the result of its violation of the rights of the Palestinian people, and of the Islamic and Christian sanctities. This is also the result of its systematic aggressive policies and practices, its illegal unilateral steps that perpetuate the occupation, violate international law, and prevent the realization of a just and comprehensive peace.
We affirm that Israel, and all countries of the region, will not enjoy security and peace unless the Palestinians enjoy theirs and regain all their stolen rights. We stress that the continuation of the Israeli occupation is a threat to the security and stability of the region and to international security and peace.
We condemn all forms of hatred and discrimination, and all acts that perpetuate hatred and extremism.
We warn of the disastrous repercussions of the retaliatory aggression by Israel against the Gaza Strip, which amounts to a war crime, and the barbaric crimes committed also in the West Bank and Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
We warn of the real danger of the expansion of the war as a result of Israel’s refusal to stop its aggression and of the inability of the Security Council to enforce international law to end this aggression.
We decide to:
Condemn the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip and the war crimes as well as the barbaric, inhumane and brutal massacres being committed by the colonial occupation government against the strip and the Palestinian people in the occupied West Bank, including East Al-Quds. We demand ceasing this aggression immediately.
Reject describing this retaliatory war as self-defense or justifying it under any pretext.
Break the siege on Gaza and impose the immediate entry of Arab, Islamic and international humanitarian aid convoys, including food, medicine and fuel into the Gaza Strip. We call on international organizations to participate in this process, stressing the need for their entry to the strip and for protecting their teams to enable them to fully fulfill their role. We affirm the necessity of supporting the United Nations Relief and Works for Palestine Refugees Agency (UNRWA).
Support all steps taken by the Arab Republic of Egypt to confront the consequences of the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza. We support its efforts to bring aid into the strip in an immediate, sustainable and adequate manner.
Call on the UN Security Council to take a decisive and binding decision that imposes a cessation of aggression and curbs the colonial occupation authority that violates international law, international humanitarian law, and international legitimacy resolutions, the latest of which is United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. A/ES-10/L.25 dated 26/10/2023. Inaction is considered a complicity that allows Israel to continue its brutal aggression that kills innocent people, children, the elderly, and women, and turns Gaza into ruin.
Call on all countries to stop exporting weapons and ammunition to the occupation authorities that are used by their army and terrorist settlers to kill the Palestinian people and destroy their homes, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and all their capabilities.
Call on the Security Council to promptly pass a resolution condemning Israel’s barbaric destruction of hospitals in the Gaza Strip, the obstruction of medicine, food and fuel and the severing of crucial services like electricity, water, communication and internet access. These acts of collective punishment amount to war crimes under international law. We emphasize the need to impose this resolution on Israel, the occupying power, to ensure compliance with international laws and to immediately cease these barbaric and inhumane measures. We stress the necessity of lifting the blockade that Israel has imposed on the Gaza Strip for years.
Call on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to complete the investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in all the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Al-Quds. We assign the General Secretariats of the OIC and the Arab League to follow up on the implementation of this investigation and establish two specialized legal monitoring units to document Israeli crimes committed in the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023. The units will then prepare legal proceedings on all violations of international law and international humanitarian law committed by Israel, the occupying power, against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Al-Quds. Each unit shall submit its report 15 days after its formation to be presented to the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers and to the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC. Subsequently, monthly reports should be submitted thereafter.
Support legal and political initiatives for the State of Palestine to hold Israeli occupying authorities accountable for their crimes against the Palestinian people, including the advisory opinion process at the International Court of Justice, and allow the investigative committee established by the Human Rights Council resolution to investigate these crimes without obstruction.
Assign the two secretariats to establish two media monitoring units to document all the crimes committed by the occupying authorities against the Palestinian people, alongside digital media platforms to publish and expose their illegitimate and inhumane practices.
Assign the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in its capacity as the presidency of the 32nd Arab and Islamic Summit, along with counterparts from Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, Türkiye, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Palestine, and any other interested countries, and the Secretary-General of both organisations to initiate immediate international action on behalf of all member states of the OIC and the Arab League to formulate an international move to halt the war in Gaza and to pressure for a real and serious political process to achieve permanent and comprehensive peace in accordance with established international references.
Call upon member states of the OIC and the Arab League to exert diplomatic, political, and legal pressures, and take any deterrent actions to halt the crimes committed by the colonial occupation authorities against humanity.
Condemn the double standards in applying international law; warn that this duality seriously undermines both the credibility of countries shielding Israel from international law and placing it above the law, as well as the credibility of multilateral action, exposing the selectivity in applying the system of humanitarian values; and emphasize that the positions of Arab and Islamic countries will be affected by such double standards that lead to a rift between civilizations and cultures.
Condemn the displacement of nearly one and a half million Palestinians from the northern to the southern areas of the Gaza Strip as a war crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and its 1977 Protocol; call on the parties to the Convention to collectively denounce and reject this action; call on all United Nations organizations to confront the attempt of the colonial occupation authorities to perpetuate this miserable inhuman reality; and stress the immediate necessity for the return of these displaced individuals to their homes and regions.
Fully and absolutely reject, along with collectively opposing, any attempts at individual or mass forced displacement, deportation, or exile of the Palestinian people whether within the Gaza Strip, the West Bank including Al-Quds (Jerusalem), or outside their territories to any destination, considering it a red line and a war crime.
Condemn the killing and targeting of civilians, as a principled stance based on our humanitarian values and in line with international law and humanitarian principles, and emphasize the immediate and swift steps the international community must take to cease the killing and targeting of Palestinian civilians, in a way that confirms the absolute equivalence of every single life, rejecting any discrimination based on nationality, race, or religion.
Emphasize the necessity of releasing all prisoners and civilians; condemn the heinous crimes committed by the colonial occupation authorities against thousands of Palestinian prisoners; and call on all concerned nations and international organizations to put pressure for the cessation of these crimes and the prosecution of those responsible.
Stop the occupation forces’ killing crimes and the settlers’ terrorism and crimes in the Palestinian villages, cities and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank and all assaults on the Al Aqsa Mosque and all Islamic and Christian sanctities.
Emphasize Israel’s need to fulfil its obligations as the occupying power by ceasing all illegal actions that perpetuate the occupation, especially settlements’ construction and expansion, land confiscation, and the forced displacement of Palestinians from their homes.
Condemn the military operations launched by occupying forces against Palestinian cities and camps; denounce settler terrorism; and urge the international community to list these groups and organizations on global terrorism lists, so that the Palestinian people can enjoy all the rights afforded to other nations, including human rights, the right to security, self-determination, the realization of their state’s independence on their land, and the provision of international protection for them.
Condemn the Israeli assaults on Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian holy sites and the Israeli illegitimate measures which violate freedom of worship; emphasize the importance of respecting the existing legal and historic status quo in the holy sites; emphasize that the Al Aqsa Mosque/ Al Haram Al Sharif, with its entire 144,000 square meters, is a place of worship solely for Muslims, with the Jordanian Awqaf and the Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs Department being the exclusive sole legitimate authority responsible for managing, maintaining, and regulating access to Al Aqsa Mosque, within the framework of the historic Hashemite custodianship of Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian holy sites; and support the roles of the Al-Quds Committee and its efforts in addressing the practices of the Israeli occupation authorities in the Holy City.
Condemn the extremist and racist hate speech and actions by ministers within the Israeli occupying government, including one minister’s threat to use nuclear weapons against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and considering them a serious threat to international peace and security, necessitating support for the conference aimed at establishing a nuclear-weapon-free zone and eliminating all other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, conducted within the framework of the United Nations and its goals to address this threat.
Condemn the killing of journalists, children, and women, the targeting of medics, and the use of internationally banned white phosphorus in the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and Lebanon; denounce the repeated Israeli statements and threats to return Lebanon to the “Stone Age”; emphasize the importance of preventing the expansion of the conflict; and call on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate Israel’s use of chemical weapons.
Emphasize on that the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and call on all Palestinian factions and parties to unite under its umbrella and shoulder their responsibilities under a PLO-led national partnership.
Emphasize commitment to peace as a strategic choice, aiming to end Israeli occupation and resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict in accordance with international law and relevant legitimate decisions, including UN Security Council Resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 497 (1981), 1515 (2003), and 2334 (2016); emphasizing adherence to the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002 in its entirety and priorities as the unified Arab consensus and the foundation for any peace revitalization efforts in the Middle East. The precondition for peace with Israel and the establishment of normal relations rests on ending its occupation of all Palestinian and Arab territories. It also includes establishing an independent, fully sovereign Palestinian state based on the June 4, 1967, borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, restoring the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination, return, and compensation for Palestinian refugees, resolving their issue justly per UN General Assembly Resolution 194 of 1948.
Emphasize the immediate need for the international community to launch a serious peace process to establish a two-state solution that fulfils all legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, notably their right to realize an independent, sovereign state along the June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital to in security and peace alongside Israel, aligning with international legitimacy and the complete framework of the Arab Peace Initiative.
Emphasize that the failure to resolve the Palestinian cause over more than 75 years, the lack of response to the Israeli colonial occupation’s crimes, its deliberate policies undermining the two-state solution through settlement building and expansion, alongside unconditional support to Israel and shielding it from accountability, as well as disregarding continual warnings about the dangers of ignoring these crimes and their serious implications on international security and peace, has led to a severe deterioration of the situation.
Reject any proposals that perpetuate the separation of Gaza from the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and emphasize that any future approach to Gaza must be within the framework of working towards a comprehensive solution ensuring the unity of Gaza and the West Bank as part of the Palestinian state, which must materialize as a free, independent, sovereign entity with its capital in East Jerusalem on the borders of June 4, 1967.
Call for convening an international peace conference, as soon as possible, through which a credible peace process will be launched based on international law, legitimate resolutions, and the principle of land for peace, within a defined timeframe and international guarantees, ultimately leading to the end of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967, including East Jerusalem, the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, the Shebaa Farms, the Kfar Shuba Hills, and the outskirts of the Lebanese village of al-Mari, and the implementation of a two-state solution.
Activate the Arab and Islamic Financial Safety Net in line with the decisions of the fourteenth session of the Islamic Summit Conference and the Arab Summit resolutions, to provide financial contributions and support — economic, financial, and humanitarian — to the government of the State of Palestine and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Emphasize the necessity of mobilizing international partners to reconstruct Gaza and alleviate the comprehensive destruction caused by the Israeli aggression immediately upon cessation.

Assign both the Secretary-General of the Arab League and the OIC to closely oversee the implementation of the resolution and present a report on it at the upcoming sessions of their respective councils.


Resolution, Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit, Riyadh 12. november 2023
– SPA  01:47 Local Time 22:47 GMT




Map  of  ” Middle East “, ” cut to the bone “.  Design:  Sykes-Picot










 ”  NOT  IN  OUR  NAME  “




U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly voted in support of a humanitarian truce, but Israel and the United States voted against the resolution.

Massive demonstrations calling for a ceasefire in Gaza continued this weekend, including here in New York City. On Friday night, thousands of members of Jewish Voice for Peace-New York City and their allies shut down the main terminal of Grand Central Station during rush hour. It’s the largest sit-in protest the city has seen in over two decades. Many wore shirts that said “Not in Our Name” Banners were unfurled, reading, “Palestinians should be free” and “Israelis demand ceasefire now.” One sign read, “Never again for anyone.” The multiracial, intergenerational movement says about 400 people were arrested, including rabbis, famous actors and elected officials.






”  I’m here ( demonstration in NYC )  because my family survived the Holocaust, but many did not. My parents were Holocaust survivors. And there’s one thing I learned: Never again means never again for anyone. We don’t condone this, and Netanyahu better stop the bombing of Gaza. You know, this didn’t start with Hamas. This started in 1948, when 750,000 Palestinians were removed from where they lived in order to set up a Jewish state. And these people that they’re killing in Gaza, they were moved to Gaza because of the 1948 Nakba, which means “catastrophe.” And now they’re going to eliminate them, kill them or move them somewhere else. And it’s got to stop. And Jews, American Jews, have to step and say, “Not in our name. Not with our tax money. You cannot do this kind of genocide in front of our eyes or ever again.






”  I’m here today to stand in solidarity with Jews, Muslims, allies, because we believe in a free Palestine. We believe in a Palestine without military occupation. We believe that we need to end this genocidal war. And we do not believe that our dollars, our tax dollars, should be used to bomb other children. We don’t believe that unjustified murder of one set of children brings about murder for another set of children. We need to end this war, and we need to move towards a peaceful solution.  “






”  I was arrested for civil disobedience, for disorderly conduct. I was arrested alongside Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes in front of Senator Chuck Schumer’s home, calling on him to support the demand for an immediate ceasefire  ( … )  what we have been told about the consent for this genocide is not true. So many of the Jewish New Yorkers here are struggling through heartbreak and mourning of October 7th, and they have made it very clear that do not use their heartbreak, their tragedy as the justification for the genocide of Palestinians.  “










  my late father was in Auschwitz (concentrationcamp), my late mother was Majdanek (concentrationcamp)…  … every single member on both sides were exterminated …  and it is exactly because of the lessons my parents taught me and my siblings, that I will not be silenced when Israel commits its crimes against the palestinians. And I concider nothing more despicable than to use their suffering and their martyrdom to try to justify the torture, the brutalisation, the demolition of homes that Israel commits daily agianst the palestinians.  So I refuse any longer to be intimidated or browbeaten by the ( crocodile ) tears … if you have any heart in you, you would be crying for the palestinians 

( Norman Finkelstein, 2009 )




 (  11  )



The following statement was written by a group of Israeli citizens who want to remain anonymous for their safety and out of fear of government reprisal.


To our fellow Israelis,

We call to you from the fog of genocide. We grieve and we fret for “our own”, as well as those most of you ignore or regard as “animals.”

When Israeli military officials began spreading rumors through English-speaking Israeli media about “beheaded babies,” we were immediately struck. We realized our government’s propaganda would not be the same as it was in previous murderous attacks on Gaza.

While Israel continues churning out images of supposed ‘Hamas buildings’ in the Gaza concentration camp (what isn’t, in Israeli eyes?), to excuse their bombing, Israel’s domestic and international rhetoric now contains something much more akin to Nazi extermination propaganda. 

We know what the purpose of this propaganda is. More than 8,500 indigenous Palestinian children, women, and men have been exterminated – and the number rises as we write. Many are trapped under the rubble of their homes, dying slowly. Others are facing thirst, starvation, and infectious diseases. At the same time, senior Israeli figures, even our president, keep howling that there are ‘no innocent civilians’ in Gaza.

Make no mistake, what Israel is doing in Gaza now will haunt Israelis for decades. Now is the time to make sure all Israelis understand this. And this understanding should start with full disclosure about the events of October 7, 2023.

Here are a few demands that each Israeli should be making right now, even if they deny the ongoing Gaza genocide. The first one is a comprehensive list of all the Israeli victims who have been identified. There is no comprehensive list on an official government website. The listpublished by Ha’aretz is partial. Some names are waiting to be “cleared for publication,” and we would like to know what this means.

The lack of a comprehensive list, three weeks in, leads to the next demand Israeli citizens must make — the establishment of an official investigation commission. Massive failures on the part of intelligence and combat units, as well as the Israeli insistence on turning Gaza into an open-air prison in the preceding decades, should obviously be addressed by such a commission. We would like to know how these failures contributed to civilian fatalities on October 7 and the following days.

Furthermore, according to Hamas’s spokesperson, 50 Israeli captives have already been killed as a result of our government’s decision to carpet-bomb Gaza. You may or may not find the Hamas spokesperson to be a reliable source, but we know that Israeli captives, loved ones of many here, have been dispersed throughout the strip and Israel does not seem to know their precise location.

Israeli citizens should ask themselves whether they support indiscriminate bombing that threatens the lives of captives. An exchange deal is on the table. We know that Hamas has been offering this from day one. Israel’s blind genocidal revenge ignores the well-being of Israeli captives.

And while our military exterminates human beings in Gaza, Israeli Hasbara (propaganda) platforms are in overdrive, especially abroad. The charred remains of loved ones are paraded around, nameless, contextualized only by dehumanizing calls to eradicate the inmates of the Gaza concentration camp. Upon seeing these images, aimed at a Western audience and with complete disregard for survivors’ families, we note once more that all of us deserve precise information as to who these victims are and how they died.

Without an independent investigation, we can only hope to piece together sporadic articles and testimonies of survivors. Conspiracy theories will flourish. We’re already seeing attempts to deny the very fact of Israeli civilians being killed by Hamas fighters.

Moreover, we reject Israeli attempts to label its fallen soldiers and other security operatives as terror victims equivalent to civilian fatalities. If an Israeli soldier is just an Israeli civilian, an Israeli civilian is just a soldier. We reject this dangerous equation.

Lastly, the question of who killed some Israeli civilians haunts us. It emerges from several reports that some were killed by the Israeli military. Whether they were caught in the crossfire, or deliberately shot at with tanks or helicopters in order to eliminate Hamas fighters or prevent Hamas from taking more captives, we deserve an answer. 

We demand answers because a genocide is being perpetrated in Gaza in the name of Israeli victims, even though bereaved families are strongly opposed to this vengeful atrocity. We demand answers and so should you.

אנו קוראות אליכם מערפל רצח העם. אנו מתאבלים ואנו דואגים ל”שלנו” כמו גם לשלום אלה שרובכם מתעלמים מהם או מחשיבים ל”חיות אדם“.

כאשר אנשי בטחון ישראלים החלו להפיץ שמועות באמצעות תקשורת ישראלית דוברת אנגלית על “תינוקות ערופי ראש”, הופתענו. הבנו שהתעמולה של ממשלתנו לא תהיה זהה לזו שראינו בהתקפות רצחניות קודמות על עזה.

ישראל ממשיכה להציג תמונות של ‘בנייני חמאס’ כביכול במחנה הריכוז בעזה (איזה בניין אינו כזה, בעיניים ישראליות?), כדי לתרץ את ההפצצה שלהם, אך השיח הפנימי והבינלאומי של ישראל מכיל כעת משהו הרבה יותר דומה לתעמולת ההשמדה הנאצית.

אנו יודעות מהי מטרת התעמולה הזו. יותר מ-8,500 ילדים, נשים וגברים פלסטינים ילידים כבר הושמדו – והמספר עולה עם כתיבת שורות אלו. רבות לכודות מתחת להריסות בתיהם, גוססות באיטיות. אחרים סובלים  מצמא, רעב ומחלות זיהומיות. במקביל, בכירים בישראל, אפילו הנשיא שלנו, ממשיכים לצעוק לעולם כי “אין אזרחים חפים מפשע” בעזה.

בל נטעה, מה שישראל מעוללת כעת בעזה עכשיו ירדוף את הישראלים במשך עשרות שנים. עכשיו הזמן לוודא שכל ישראלי/ת מבינים זאת. והבנה זו צריכה להתחיל בחשיפה מלאה של אירועי 7 באוקטובר 2023.

הנה כמה דרישות שכל ישראלי/ת צריכים להציב עכשיו, גם אם הם מכחישים את הג’נוסייד המתחולל בעזה. הראשונה היא רשימה מקיפה של כל הקורבנות הישראלים שזוהו. אין רשימה מקיפה באתר ממשלתי רשמי. הרשימה שפרסם עיתון “הארץ” היא חלקית. חלק מהשמות ממתינים ל”אישור לפרסום”, ואנו תוהים מתי יאושרו לפרסום.

היעדר רשימה מקיפה, שלושה שבועות לאחר האירועים, מוביל לדרישה הבאה שאזרחי ישראל צריכים להציב – הקמת ועדת חקירה רשמית. ועדה כזו תידרש כמובן לכשלים עצומים מצד יחידות מודיעין וצבא, אך עליה לעסוק גם בהתעקשות הישראלית להפוך את עזה למכלאה הגדולה בעולם במשך עשרות שנים. ברצוננו לדעת כיצד כישלונות אלו תרמו למספר הגבוה של הרוגים אזרחיים ב-7 באוקטובר ובימים שלאחר מכן.

יתרה מכך, לפי דובר חמאס, 50 שבויים ישראלים כבר נהרגו כתוצאה מהחלטת ממשלתנו על הפצצות שטיח בעזה. בין אם דובר חמאס מקור מהימן או בלתי מהימן בעיניכם, אנו יודעות ששבויים ישראלים, אהובים על רבים כאן, פוזרו ברחבי הרצועה ונראה שישראל לא יודעת את מיקומם המדויק.

אזרחי ישראל צריכים לשאול את עצמם האם הם תומכים בהפצצות חסרות הבחנה המאיימות על חייהם של שבויים. הצעה לעסקת חליפין מונחת על השולחן. אנו יודעים שחמאס מציע זאת מהיום הראשון. נקמת רצח העם העיוורת של ישראל מתעלמת משלומם של שבויים ישראלים.

ובעוד הצבא הישראלי משמיד בני אדם בעזה, ערוצי ההסברה הישראלית נכנסו להילוך גבוה, במיוחד בחו”ל. שרידיהם המפוחמים של יקירי ישראלים רבים מוצגים לראווה, חסרי שם, כאשר ההקשר הוא רק קריאות לחיסול הכלואים במחנה הריכוז בעזה, שעברו דה-הומניזציה מוחלטת. בראותנו את התמונות הללו, המיועדות לקהל מערבי, ותוך התעלמות מוחלטת ממשפחות הניצולים, אנו מציינים שוב כי לכולנו מגיע מידע מדויק מי הם הקורבנות הללו וכיצד הם מתו.

ללא חקירה עצמאית, אנו יכולות רק לקוות לחבר כתבות מפה ומשם ועדויות של ניצולים. תיאוריות קונספירציה כבר פורחות. אנו כבר רואים ניסיונות להכחיש את עצם עובדות ההרג של אזרחים ישראלים על ידי חמאס.

יתרה מכך, אנו דוחות את הניסיונות הישראלים לתייג חיילים ואנשי כוחות צבאיים שנהרגו כקורבנות טרור שקולים להרוגים אזרחיים. אם חייל ישראלי הוא רק אזרח ישראלי, אזרח ישראלי הוא רק חייל. אנו דוחים את המשוואה המסוכנת הזו.

לבסוף, השאלה מי הרג אזרחים ישראלים במקרים מסוימים מטרידה אותנו. מכמה דיווחים עולה כי חלקם נהרגו על ידי הצבא הישראלי. בין אם הם נלכדו באש צולבת, או שכוחות ישראלים ירו לעברם באמצעות טנקים ומסוקים כדי לחסל אנשי חמאס או למנוע מהם לקחת עוד שבויים, מגיעה לנו תשובה.

אנו דורשות תשובות כי בעזה מתבצע רצח עם בשם קורבנות ישראלים, למרות שמשפחות שכולות מתנגדות נחרצות לזוועת הנקמה הזו. אנו דורשות תשובות וגם אתם צריכים לדרוש תשובות.





Mats Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who has been at the Al Shifa hospital for 16 years negating Israel’s propaganda claim that it’s used as a Hamas command centre, is proven to be right:


Interview på ” Democrazy Now / Amy Goodman “

del 1 :

del 2 :


opfølgende interview :


( remove    and you got the full link )










 ( 12 )





Letter to the children of Gaza

by Christopher Hedges



”  Dear child. It is past midnight. I am flying at hundreds of miles an hour in the darkness, thousands of feet over the Atlantic Ocean. I am traveling to Egypt. I will go to the border of Gaza at Rafah. I go because of you.

You have never been in a plane. You have never left Gaza. You know only the densely packed streets and alleys. The concrete hovels.  You know only the security barriers and fences patrolled by soldiers that surround Gaza. Planes, for you, are terrifying. Fighter jets. Attack helicopters. Drones. They circle above you. They drop missiles and bombs. Deafening explosions. The ground shakes. Buildings fall. The dead. The screams. The muffled calls for help from beneath the rubble. It does not stop. Night and day. Trapped under the piles of smashed concrete. Your playmates. Your schoolmates. Your neighbors. Gone in seconds. You see the chalky faces and limp bodies when they are dug out. I am a reporter. It is my job to see this. You are a child. You should never see this.   

The stench of death. Rotting corpses under broken concrete. You hold your breath. You cover your mouth with cloth. You walk faster. Your neighborhood has become a graveyard. All that was familiar is gone. You stare in amazement. You wonder where you are.

You are afraid. Explosion after explosion. You cry. You cling to your mother or father. You cover your ears. You see the white light of the missile and wait for the blast. Why do they kill children? What did you do? Why can’t anyone protect you? Will you be wounded? Will you lose a leg or an arm? Will you go blind or be in a wheelchair? Why were you born?  Was it for something good? Or was it for this? Will you grow up?  Will you be happy? What will it be like without your friends? Who will die next? Your mother? Your father? Your brothers and sisters?  Someone you know will be injured. Soon. Someone you know will die. Soon.  

At night you lie in the dark on the cold cement floor. The phones are cut. The internet is off. You do not know what is happening. There are flashes of light. There are waves of blast concussions. There are screams. It does not stop.  

When your father or mother hunts for food or water you wait. That terrible feeling in your stomach. Will they come back? Will you see them again? Will your tiny home be next? Will the bombs find you? Are these your last moments on Earth?  

You drink salty, dirty water. It makes you very sick. Your stomach hurts. You are hungry. The bakeries are destroyed. There is no bread. You eat one meal a day. Pasta. A cucumber. Soon this will seem like a feast. 

You do not play with your soccer ball made of rags. You do not fly your kite made from old newspapers.      

You have seen foreign reporters. We wear flak jackets with the word PRESS written on it. We have helmets. We have cameras. We drive jeeps. We appear after a bombing or a shooting. We sit over coffee for a long time and talk to the adults. Then we disappear. We do not usually interview children. But I have done interviews when groups of you crowded around us. Laughing. Pointing. Asking us to take your picture. 

I have been bombed by jets in Gaza. I have been bombed in other wars, wars that happened before you were born. I too was very, very scared. I still have dreams about it. When I see the pictures of Gaza these wars return to me with the force of thunder and lightning. I think of you. 

All of us who have been to war hate war most of all because of what it does to children.

I tried to tell your story. I tried to tell the world that when you are cruel to people, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, when you deny people freedom and dignity, when you humiliate and trap them in an open-air prison, when you kill them as if they were beasts, they become very angry. They do to others what was done to them. I told it over and over. I told it for seven years. Few listened. And now this. 

There are very brave Palestinian journalists. Thirty-nine of them have been killed since this bombing began. They are heroes. So are the doctors and nurses in your hospitals. So are the U.N. workers. Eighty-nine of whom have died. So are the ambulance drivers and the medics. So are the rescue parties that lift up the slabs of concrete with their hands. So are the mothers and fathers who shield you from the bombs. 

But we are not there. Not this time. We cannot get in. We are locked out. 

Reporters from all over the world are going to the border crossing at Rafah. We are going because we cannot watch this slaughter and do nothing. We are going because hundreds of people are dying a day, including 160 children. We are going because this genocide must stop. We are going because we have children. Like you. Precious. Innocent. Loved. We are going because we want you to live. 

I hope one day we will meet. You will be an adult. I will be an old man, although to you I am already very old. In my dream for you I will find you free and safe and happy.  No one will be trying to kill you. You will fly in airplanes filled with people, not bombs. You will not be trapped in a concentration camp. You will see the world. You will grow up and have children. You will become old. You will remember this suffering, but you will know it means you must help others who suffer. This is my hope. My prayer.

We have failed you. This is the awful guilt we carry. We tried. But we did not try hard enough. We will go to Rafah. Many of us. Reporters. We will stand outside the border with Gaza in protest. We will write and film. This is what we do. It is not much. But it is something. We will tell your story again. 

Maybe it will be enough to earn the right to ask for your forgiveness.  “









 A rare example of courageous statements among christians in these unusual times:


Pastor Munther Issac at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, delivered a powerful Christmas sermon on the war in Gaza and why the world must stand with Palestinians. ” The hypocrisy and racism of the Western world is transparent and appalling ” :×360/jgu8SBTuTTPYU86f.mp4

 ( remove  ∆  and you have the full link )




( 13 )



Jan Øberg explains how you have to focus on the underlying conflict – not the violence – if you want peace. All war, terror and crimes have an underlying conflict that hasn´t been addressed:   ( remove   and you have the full link )





Jan Øberg / Jan Oberg writes :


December 7, 2023 – two months into the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.

I published the article below on October 22, 2023. I had been waiting for someone to intervene and tell Israel to stop its immoral, illegal and barbaric – as well as intentional – genocide of the Palestinian people. But no Western power exerted any pressure; tragically, instead, most silently or openly, passively or actively supported Israel – no matter Israel’s policies and behaviour.

Hamas’ attack on October 7 on Israel can only be condemned. But what is not clear is what actually happened. How was it possible that the Israeli and US intelligence missed all the indicators of what must have taken months for Hamas to prepare? Is it true that Egyptian military authorities warned Israel and PM Netanyahu personally – but in vain? Did Israel know about it and let it happen to have a pretext?

Anyhow, these are the figures on November 24 (thus much higher today) – a criminal and disproportionate overkill reaction while Israel revised its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147:

You can find causality figures  Wikipedia here.

Time has passed, and I spent all of November in China – at some mental and political distance, so to speak. Never had I thought that any country in the world would be able to get away with what Israel – the Jewish nation-state – has systematically done without one single Western country withdrawing its support and condemning the ongoing, undeniable genocide.

In such a situation, silence means complicity. So does active cooperation – economically, politically and militarily.

If the US and/or other powerful Western governments had set down their foot and stated that Israel must be isolated in various ways until it stops the brutal, deliberate and systematically planned assault on innocent people, Israel would have to stop. Instead, it is being encouraged by the de facto Western supportive cooperation.

Or, the tail wags the dog.

Over two months, there have been no manifest calls for holding the Israeli government and other leaders accountable for what is the most significant, deliberate genocide in the West since 1945. In my view, the Israeli political and military leadership has placed itself outside the global human community and must be brought to justice.

This ongoing genocide is likely to have huge consequences in the long-term perspective. The rest of the world – the 85% outside the NATO/EU world – will draw their conclusions about the tremendous and mind-boggling hypocrisy and systematic double standards exhibited by the 15% West. That world is likely to feel an even stronger urge to turn its back on the West, which preaches human rights but ignores them completely and conspicuously to achieve its geo-strategic goals with the most perverse means available.

What happens in Gaza happens because the West has an interest in it. If it didn’t, it would have taken action to stop it.

It will be self-destructive, too, for the US/NATO/EU:

• Anti-semitism and anti-Zionism will spread. Particularly if the Jewish nation in Israel and worldwide does not urgently distance itself unequivocally from the crimes committed by the Jewish state.

• Terrorism will spiral upwards.

• Refugee problems and costs will multiply.

• Divisions in the EU and NATO will occur the longer, the more devastating and the more indefensible it gets.

• Tendentially losing the region, the US/NATO will end up getting involved militarily in the Middle East, most likely a larger war and the Arab world plus Iran will re-align and align with Russia and China in a new conflict formation throughout the Middle East. And whatever may have been left of Western values, moral authority and legitimacy will disappear.

• Citizens all over will take to the streets and protest the squandering of their resources on guns instead of butter.

• Right-wing-to-fascist forces will see the increasing light of their dawn. Holland today – Germany tomorrow?

These trends/predictions will manifest themselves after the West has made one strategic miscalculation after the other the last two decades:

1 • The US helter-skelter started the Global War on Terror, GWOT, in response to the September 11, 2001 events. It starts a global war – not on what causes terrorists to become terrorists but on terrorists as such, and for each killed human being, there are ten new ones ready to die for their cause. In consequence, millions of people have been killed and harmed and displaced – and the problem of terrorism has, as fully predicted, not been solved.

2 • NATO’s expansion instead of abolition at the end of the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. In particular, the hubris of exploiting the one-polar world order option and the expansion of NATO into Ukraine – both predictable disasters and a destroyed Ukraine with hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded will be the result.

3 • The long Cold War build-up by the US/West against China – the systematic negative and self-destructive image of China that has nothing to do with the Chinese reality – but, again, is self-destructive.

4 • The US destruction of Nordstream – the largest infrastructure destruction ever that, together with the Western sanctions response and new Iron Curtain vis-a-vis the largest European state, Russia, is likely to have unspeakably destructive effects on Europe over time – politically, economically and in terms of ongoing rampant militarist investment – guns before butter

5 • And now the Gaza genocide endorsement – that destroys the remaining few elements of Western decency, legitimacy and authority.

These short-sighted catastrophic policies of the general West will have self-destructive and self-defeating consequences – and sooner rather than later. They are all of the West’s own kakistocratic making – no one threatens the existence of the West. When the US Empire falls, it will be completely of its own making.

Here is the original article:

In civilisational terms, war is a backward, primitive thing; it solves no conflicts and creates no security – only hate, which fuels more war.

It’s a system or structural evil – much more than a human evil.

Equally primitive and uncultured is, of course, this type of black-and-white, simplified narrative: there is only one evil party – the Palestinians and Hamas. The war has only one cause – Hamas’ attack – and we in the West need neither history nor conflict analysis to understand anything.

Further, we don’t need sym- and empathy with innocent suffering human beings on all sides – only with one side’s.

All that is needed is politically correct emotionalism and side-taking – no matter the fact that these two irrelevant tools are guaranteed to make everything worse and get more innocent people killed.

The EU’s top leader von der Leyen has the guts to declare that “Europe stands with Israel” – but which ‘Europe,’? And were you ever elected by ’Europe’ or by the EU citizens to speak on their behalf, Madam?

The indefatigable Irish for-peace European MP, Irish Clare Daly, made exactly that point much more eloquently than I just did on Oct 8 when she demanded that von der Leyen shut up because she doesn’t represent ‘Europe’ at all. Some 800 EU staff members in Brussels have written a letter protesting her statements and ignoring the two-state solution.

State Department official Josh Paul resigned over the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. It’s brewing.

It has all become too easy to take stands. It’s a display of intellectual and moral laziness: Condemnation requires no knowledge or complex understanding, but it speaks to the minds of kakistocrats.

It’s Kitsch politics! It actively promotes the death of thousands upon thousands on all sides, and it is fundamentally immoral because other ways of engaging in the Middle East conflicts were eminently possible.

In Ukraine, EU/NATO countries side with the underdog that has been invaded. In this war, it sides with topdog Israel, the apartheid occupier with nukes who has created history’s largest prison with the full blessing of the declining West through decades.

From another perspective, it is a huge blow to Israel and the US – a complete ‘intelligence’ failure. If that is what it was. Most likely, it wasn’t. More and more info and statements from local experts underpin the dreadful hypothesis that Israel was aware of Hamas’ attack and let it happen. Allegedly, a fox would not be able to run through the border installations; Hamas did for hours.

When Israel’s occupation-to-extermination policy has run its course – “no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel” and no mercy plus total ethnic cleansing and flattening of dwellings – the US/NATO/EU governments will have drowned with it in a blood-drenched unsolvable moral dilemma of their own creation.

They won’t see it, never foresaw it. They did not care about the consequences of their ”response” to Hamas’ attack – despicable as it was, yes, but not unprovoked, for sure.

So to cover up yet another Western politico-moral disaster, Western knee-jerk reaction is, as usual ’more weapons,’ no ceasefire, no mediation and no negotiations. Militarist thinking excludes diplomacy. We never make mistakes!

Since the decision-makers in Western capitals have lost on both economic, political, cultural, diplomatic and moral power dimensions, there is only one left – as in all falling empires in history: Militarism. Mass killing. Ethnic cleansing. Kill the people instead of the problem that stands unsolved between the parties and caused the violence in the first place.

What we are going to see in weeks and months to come in the Middle East will make the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia and the war in Ukraine pale. Western foreign policy can no longer be understood by rational analysis, political science or international relations thinking.

We need concepts and theories from psychology, psychiatry and religion to understand the blame games, emotionalism, psycho-political projection, presumed innocence, denial, compulsive repetition, paranoia, scapegoating, revenge, and aggression that get full blast in various blends in the policies of the US/NATO/EU countries.

Therefore, words like conflict analysis, conflict-resolution, mediation, peacekeeping, negotiations and reconciliation – not to mention peace – no longer belong to the vocabulary of Western foreign ministries – and neither in state-financed research and the mainstream media.

The Occident is heading for an Accident. Its reservoirs of legitimacy, knowledge and ethics are even more depleted than its arsenals of weapons.


Øberg / TFF´s statement :   ” GENOCIDE in GAZA ”

( remove   and you have the full link )



 ( 14 )




 Death  of  Israel  –  by Christopher Hedges



Israel will appear triumphant after it finishes its genocidal campaign in Gaza and the West Bank. Backed by the United States, it will achieve its demented goal. Its murderous rampages and genocidal violence will exterminate or ethnically cleanse Palestinians. Its dream of a state exclusively for Jews, with any Palestinians who remain stripped of basic rights, will be realized.

It will revel in its blood-soaked victory. It will celebrate its war criminals. Its genocide will be erased from public consciousness and tossed into Israel’s huge black hole of historical amnesia. Those with a conscience in Israel will be silenced and persecuted

But by the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza — Israel is talking about months of warfare — it will have signed its own death sentence. Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps.

Israel’s social capital will be spent. It will be revealed as an ugly, repressive, hate-filled apartheid regime, alienating younger generations of American Jews. Its patron, the United States, as new generations come into power, will distance itself from Israel the way it is distancing itself from Ukraine. Its popular support, already eroded in the U.S., will come from America’s Christianized fascists who see Israel’s domination of ancient Biblical land as a harbinger of the Second Coming and in its subjugation of Arabs a kindred racism and white supremacy.

Palestinian blood and suffering — 10 times the number of children have been killed in Gaza as in two years of war in Ukraine — will pave the road to Israel’s oblivion. The tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of ghosts will have their revenge. Israel will become synonymous with its victims the way Turks are synonymous with the Armenians, Germans are with the Namibians and later the Jews, and Serbs are with the Bosniaks. Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated. Israel will be a stagnant nation where the religious fanatics, bigots and Jewish extremists who have seized power will dominate public discourse. It will find its allies among other despotic regimes. Israel’s repugnant racial and religious supremacy will be its defining attribute, which is why the most retrograde white supremists in the U.S. and Europe, including philo-semites such as John HageePaul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene, fervently back Israel. The vaunted fight against anti-Semitism is a thinly disguised celebration of White Power.

Despotisms can exist long after their past due date. But they are terminal. You don’t have to be a Biblical scholar to see that Israel’s lust for rivers of blood is antithetical to the core values of Judaism. The cynical weaponization of the Holocaust, including branding Palestinians as Nazis, has little efficacy when you carry out a live streamed genocide against 2.3 million people trapped in a concentration camp.

Nations need more than force to survive. They need a mystique. This mystique provides purpose, civility and even nobility to inspire citizens to sacrifice for the nation. The mystique offers hope for the future. It provides meaning. It provides national identity.

When mystiques implode, when they are exposed as lies, a central foundation of state power collapses. I reported on the death of the communist mystiques in 1989 during the revolutions in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania. The police and the military decided there was nothing left to defend. Israel’s decay will engender the same lassitude and apathy. It will not be able to recruit indigenous collaborators, such as Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority — reviled by most Palestinians — to do the bidding of the colonizers. The historian Ronald Robinson cites the inability to recruit indigenous allies by the British Empire as the point at which collaboration inverted into noncooperation, a defining moment for the start of decolonization. Once noncooperation by native elites morphs into active opposition, Robinson explains, the Empire’s “rapid retreat” is assured.

All Israel has left is escalating violence, including torture, which accelerates the decline. This wholesale violence works in the short term, as it did in the war waged by the French in Algeria, the Dirty War waged by Argentina’s military dictatorship and during Britain’s conflict in Northern Ireland. But in the long term it is suicidal.

“You might say that the battle of Algiers was won through the use of torture,” the British historian Alistair Horne observed, “but that the war, the Algerian war, was lost.”

The genocide in Gaza has turned Hamas fighters into heroes in the Muslim world and the Global South. Israel may wipe out the Hamas leadership. But the past — and current — assassinations of scores of Palestinian leaders has done little to blunt resistance. The siege and genocide in Gaza has produced a new generation of deeply traumatized and enraged young men and women whose families have been killed and whose communities have been obliterated. They are prepared to take the place of martyred leaders. Israel has sent the stock of its adversary into the stratosphere.

Israel was at war with itself before Oct. 7. Israelis were protesting to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s abolition of judicial independence. Its religious bigots and fanatics, currently in power, had mounted a determined attack on Israeli secularism. Israel’s unity since the attacks is precarious. It is a negative unity. It is held together by hatred. And even this hatred is not enough to keep protestors from decrying the government’s abandonment of Israeli hostages in Gaza.

Hatred is a dangerous political commodity. Once finished with one enemy, those who stoke hatred go in search of another. The Palestinian “human animals,” when eradicated or subdued, will be replaced by Jewish apostates and traitors. The demonized group can never be redeemed or cured. A politics of hatred creates a permanent instability that is exploited by those seeking the destruction of civil society.

Israel was far down this road on Oct. 7 when it promulgated a series of discriminatory laws against non-Jews that resemble the racist Nuremberg Laws that disenfranchised Jews in Nazi Germany. The Communities Acceptance Law permits exclusively Jewish settlements to bar applicants for residency on the basis of “suitability to the community’s fundamental outlook.”

Many of Israel’s best educated and young have left the country to places like Canada, Australia and the U.K., with as many as one million moving to the United States. Even Germany has seen an influx of around 20,000 Israelis in the first two decades of this century. Around 470,000 Israelis have left the country since Oct. 7. Within Israel, human rights campaigners, intellectuals and journalists — Israeli and Palestinian — are attacked as traitors in government-sponsored smear campaigns, placed under state surveillance and subjected to arbitrary arrests. The Israeli educational system is an indoctrination machine for the military.

The Israeli scholar Yeshayahu Leibowitz warned that if Israel did not separate church and state and end its occupation of the Palestinians, it would give rise to a corrupt Rabbinate that would warp Judaism into a fascistic cult. “Israel,” he said, “would not deserve to exist, and it will not be worthwhile to preserve it.”

The global mystique of the U.S., after two decades of disastrous wars in the Middle East and the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, is as contaminated as its Israeli ally. The Biden administration, in its fervor to unconditionally support Israel and appease the powerful Israel lobby, has bypassed the congressional review process with the Department of State to approve the transfer of 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition to Israel. Secretary of State Antony Blinken argued that “an emergency exists that requires the immediate sale.” At the same time he has cynically called on Israel to minimize civilian casualties.

Israel has no intention of minimizing civilian casualties. It has already killed 18,800 Palestinians, 0.82 percent of the Gazan population — the equivalent of around 2.7 million Americans. Another 51,000 have been wounded. Half of Gaza’s population is starving, according to the U.N. All Palestinian institutions and services that sustain life — hospitals (only 11 out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are still “partially functioning”), water treatment plantspower gridssewer systemshousingschoolsgovernment buildings, cultural centerstelecommunications systemsmosqueschurches, U.N. food distribution points — have been destroyed. Israel has assassinated at least 80 Palestinian journalists alongside dozens of their family members and over 130 U.N. aid workers along with members of their families. Civilian casualties are the point. This is not a war against Hamas. It is a war against the Palestinians. The objective is to kill or remove 2.3 million Palestinians from Gaza.

The shooting dead of three Israeli hostages who apparently escaped their captors and approached Israeli forces with their shirts off, waving a white flag and calling out for help in Hebrew is not only tragic, but a glimpse of Israel’s rules of engagement in Gaza. These rules are — kill anything that moves.

As the retired Israeli Major General Giora Eiland, who formerly headed the Israeli National Security Council, wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth, “[T]he State of Israel has no choice but to turn Gaza into a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in…Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieve the goal.” “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist,” he wrote. Major General Ghassan Alian declared that in Gaza, “there will be no electricity and no water, there will only be destruction. You wanted hell; you will get hell.”

Settler colonial states that endure, including the United States, exterminate through diseases and violence nearly the entirety of their indigenous populations. Infectious diseases brought by the colonizers to the Americas, such as smallpox, killed an estimated 56 million indigenous people over about 100 years in South, Central and North America. By 1600 less than a tenth of the original population remained. Israel cannot kill on this scale, with nearly 5.5 million Palestinians living under occupation and another 9 million in the diaspora.

The Biden presidency, which ironically may have signed its own political death certificate, is tethered to Israel’s genocide. It will try to distance itself rhetorically, but at the same time it will funnel the billions of dollars of weapons demanded by Israel — including $14.3 billion in supplemental military aid to augment the $3.8 billion in annual aid — to “finish the job.” It is a full partner in Israel’s genocide project.

Israel is a pariah state. This was publically on display on Dec. 12 when 153 member states at the U.N. General Assembly voted for a ceasefire, with only 10 — including the U.S. and Israel — opposed and 23 abstaining. Israel’s scorched earth campaign in Gaza means there will be no peace. There will be no two state solution. Apartheid and genocide will define Israel. This presages a long, long conflict, one the Jewish State cannot ultimately win.


Christopher Hedges





( 15 )







Palestinensernes egen stemme er fraværende – af nød – såvel i dette essay, som generelt i mediernes offentlighed. Endnu en påmindelse om de de stadier frem til muligt genocide, som Gregory Stanton beskriver, baseret på analyser af historiske genocides, hvoraf der er tragisk mange. Om dette og mere :



Genocide – Stantons 10 stadier frem mod genocide :


Kannibalernes sidste måltid


Coubertin – Milgram – Jung :  gruppemekanismer psychic epidemics & massepsykose :


( fjern   så har du det fulde link / remove    and you have the full link )



Mediernes søgelys, samt elektricitetens angstfyldte og nervøst blafrende neonlys, slukkes, mens nattens mørke hære hærger og myrder løs. De medskyldige skjuler sig bag det blottede kranies tavse smil. Det ville ødelægge deres lyssky forretningsmodel, hvis de røbede deres indgående viden om hvad der reelt foregår. Mordere og deres ofre færdes i tavshedens mørke, infrarødt tegner lysende silhouetter af fredløse sjæle, som rammes med blind præcision, rammes af ordløs angst, lidelse og død – en usynlig krig i skyggernes verden.

Morderne tager hjem, deler byttet, og sover trygt i familiens favn – mens de overlevende blandt ofrene, efter en søvnløs nat, et vågent mareridt, finder deres døde ved at følge blodsporene i morgenrødens afslørende skær.

Den sorte Enke, et flerbenet og mangeøjet rovdyr, edderkoppen som spinder i syge hjerners vindinger, spinder og samler alt med snærende tynd tråd –  kvæler barnet i vuggen, indfanger og paralyserer ofret, og hænger morderen i galgen.






 Kommentarer :





”  Det ender altid med det samme resultat :

GENOCIDE/FOLKEMORD, uanset om det kaldes “krig”, “pandemi”, “carbon-skat/energikrise/klimakrise”, “økonomisk krise/kollaps”, “millitæroperationer for spredning af fred’og’demokrati” eller “war’on’terror”. Det kaldes også for det millitær’industrielle kompleks ( MIC ) – eller i Jan Øberg´s version : MIMAC

( millitary’industrial’media’academic complex ) eller i undertegnedes version : FP&MIMAC ( financially-politized & millitary’industrial’media’academic complex ).

US indtager en ekceptionel rolle i denne sammenhæng :  251 millitæraktioner udenfor eget territorium siden 1991-2022 ( kilde : US kongres/senats egen undersøgelse – som findes her :

Indenfor et par håndfulde globalt dominerende industri-sektorer, sker der en sammensmeltning imellem disse, f.eks  medicin/helbred/IT/sikkerhed/kontrol, mad/våben-industri, finansindustri/politik/konjunkturer, energi/klima/gloabal-skat ( “carbon-tax” )  etc – alle mulige krydskombinationer af disse globalt dominerende hovedsektorer.

For mange år siden talte man i DK om faren ved sammenkøring af registre – blot nævnt for at perspektivere den nuværende udvikling – som også kaldes for ” going direct “, altså en udvikling som angriber hele verdensbefolkningen direkte.  Denne overordnede strategi skjules, forklædt som hændelige begivenheder, som du påtvinges gennem massivt bombardement af din bevidsthed via massemedier ( psychologic warfare ). På denne måde holdes alt i en permanent undtagelsestilstand, glidende igennem det ene tilsyneladende tilfældige optrin efter det andet.


Uenigheden mellem “øst/vest” er kun tilsyneladende. Når der i internationale fora tages beslutninger om den globale udvikling af helt overordnede hovedsektorer    såsom digitaliserin/ID, sundhed/helbred/helbredspas, klima = alle menneskers grundvilkår    så er der netop enighed mellem de helt store aktører :  US / EU / BRIC ( Kina/India/Russia ) – uanset hvad der ellers udbasuneres i massemedierne.


Hovedstøttepillerne i “globalt digitalt diktatur” kan beskrives således :

Digitalt Diktatur  =  carbon tax    ID    CBDC

Det folk ønsker er ganske enkelt det modsatte :

Liv  =  sandhed/virkelighed    frihed    sundhed/godt helbred


digitalt diktatur = centralisering

centralisering = problemet

centralisering findes ikke i naturen/kosmos


DET er hvad “krigen” ( genocide, eller hvad man ellers vil kalde det ) handler om.

Alt andet ( enkeltbegivenheder og lignende) er underordnet dette.  “

