Crime,  Essay

Genocide in Gaza (V) – the judgment (ICJ)



ICJ  rules :

”  … is the glass half empty, or half full  ? … “




Is  ICJ  “half  full  or  half  empty”  ?
~ or is it half-hearted and full of empty words  ?










” Is the life of the palestinian people and their country “half  full  or  half  empty”  ?  ~   after 75 years of lies,  stealing,  violence and murdering  ~  originated from powers outside ?


” Is the life of a man and a woman, who are killed in their middle age,  “half  full  or  half  empty” ?


” Is  the  life  of  a  child  half  or  full  ?
”  Half  full  or  half  empty ? “,  as  ICJ  so eloquently put it




Is the child alive when  ICJ  is finished plagiarizing and mocking  the story of  ” King Solomon ‘ s  judgment ”  ?   –  or is it killed,  divided by  ” false justice ”  and ” interim rule ” of  the  court  ?  ~  or where does  the child  live  ?  …  with  it´s parents and family  ?,   or are they also divided  by rule  ?  … does the child live in  it´s own country  ?  …  or has it become an orphan,  staying in a refugeecamp, in a foreign country  ? ??




…  the  ” ICJ – version ”  of   ” King Solomon’ s  judgment ” has another end : 

… the judge asked :  ” is the glass half full or half empty ? … in that case the solution is to cut in halfs … “.

To avoid the judgment, the real mother gave her child to the rival, to save it’s  life  –  and by doing so,  suffering “a mothers loss of her child” and the disgrace of being thrown out. During the flight the real mother was later hunted down and murdered. In the meanwhile the stepmother responded to ” King Solomon ” :  ” … let your judgment come true… “




Is  ICJ  “half  full  or  half  empty”  ?
~ or is it half-hearted and full of empty words  ?




… shall we continue asking  UN and associated organisations, Israel, US, Nato, EU, UK, DK  and others that kind of questions  ?  ~   or instead take personal responsibility to be the change we want to see in the world ?


People who are silent,  afraid,  collaborating,  promoting  or  blessing  the killings  in Palestina and other places,  where innocent populations are killed,  are guilty/complicit  ~  and will be hold personally responsible and face the consequenses,  one way or another …









Solomons  Judgement






Genocide in Gaza  ( 7 parts ) :


1 :    Genocide in Gaza    ” year  75

2 :    Genocide in Gaza    requiem

3 :    Genocide in Gaza    a voice from Jerusalem  2024.12.23

4 :    Genocide in Gaza    the irish testament ( Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh, ICJ 2024 )

5 :    Genocide in Gaza    the judgment ( ICJ )

6 :    Genocide in Gaza    ” exodus II “

7 :    Genocide in Gaza     Quo  Vadis  ?


(  remove ∆  and you have the full link )






”  ICJ blows the mystique Israel has used since its founding to carry out its settler colonial project against the indigenous inhabitants of historic Palestine. It made the word genocide, when applied to Israel, credible. It is clear from the ruling that the court is fully aware of the magnitude of Israel’s crimes. This makes the decision not to call for the immediate suspension of Israeli military activity in and against Gaza all the more distressing.  “

Chris Hedges, 2024.1.27















Domstolen bemærker at den militære operation som blev udført af Israel efter angrebet 7. oktober 2023 er resulteret i et stort antal dødsfald og skader, samt massiv ødelæggelse af hjem, tvangsflytning af ca 95% af befolkningen, samt omfattende skader på civil infrastruktur. Selv om disse tal Gazastriben endnu ikke kan verificeres af uafhængige kilder, tyder de foreliggende informationer på at 25.700 palæstinere er dræbt, 63.000 sårede, over 360.000 boliger er ødelagt eller delvis skadet, og ca 1,7 millioner personer internt er fordrevet


Uddrag  fra :



(  2024.1.26 )




Full text :

ICJ – midlertidig afgørelse 2024.1.26





Processen er ikke afsluttet. Israel er ikke frikendt for at begå genocide/folkemord – og ICJ har heller ikke reddet sit eget renomé ved denne (foreløbige)  afgørelse. Set i lyset af ca 75 års udvikling omkring Palæstina, burde der ikke herske nogen tvivl  ( se kort over udvikling nedenfor ).

Det eneste ord  ICJ  behændigt undgår at bruge i sin afgørelse er ordet  ” genocide ”  –  fraværet af dette er af samme størrelse og betydning som vor galakses centrum.  Ved ikke at forholde sig til dette centralt pladserede spørgsmål ( som fremgår klart og tydeligt af Sydafrikas fremlæggelse )  er der reelt intet der forholder sig til kendsgerningerne  ( facts on the ground in Gaza, the ongoing genocide per definition ).  Ord uden handling er begåede og/eller igangværende forbrydelser uden navn ansigt og hånd. Og  ICJ  og andre som gennem passivitet medfølgeri eller moralsk aktivt og direkte involveret støtter dette medansvarlige og medskyldige – og vil blive konfronteret med konsekvenserne heraf, før eller siden, på den ene eller anden måde…



ICJ’ s  afgørelse i forbindelse med nedskydningen af MH317/MH17/MH370  ( mystisk som betegnelsen af det nedskudte malaysiske fly over Ukraine i 2014 ændres )  lader alle anklager mod Rusland bortfalde pga manglende bevisførelse. Dog refererer ICJ  ikke til de undersøgelser, ud fra samling af vragdele, der påviserer at cockpittet er beskudt fra tæt hold, og fra samme højde, af åben ild ( maskin gevær/kanon ) – altså må dette være sket med viden og tilladelse fra de ukrainske autoriteter indenfor regering, militær, som hele tiden har kontrolleret Ukraines territoriale luftrum – altså er hvad der faktisk skete forlængst opklaret, Malaysias officielle myndigheder orienteret – men hverken  ICJ  eller andre involverede ønsker at forfølge de kendsgerninger, som leder til opklaringen af flystyrtet – antagelig fordi den officielle løgn, ikke tåler denne konfrontation med virkeligheden. 10 år har denne sag ligget og rådnet hos  ICJ.

De anklagede i disse sager fik aldrig indsigt i anklageskriftet – Rusland udbad sig dokumenter om flystyrtet i 2014, hvor landet blev udråbt som “skurken” i hele den vestlige presses unisont hylende kor, men fik afslag.

Den posthume frikendelse af Milosevich for anklager om krigsforbrydelser og forbrydelser mod menneskeheden er blot endnu et eksempel på denne praksis hos  ICJ.



…. det eneste sikre man kan sige om  ICJ  og  andre  såkaldte  ” internationale institutioner og organisationer “,  den såkaldte  ”  frie verden ” er,  at stort set alt  ”  er i frit fald…  “






” Map of the Middle East – cut to the bone ” 

Designed by  Sykes-Picot










Israel has been waging war against the Palestinians for many years, with ethnic cleansing and war crimes, bombings of Gaza and the West Bank, etc. The war can be traced back to the early 1900’s, when the Zionists began their colonization and conquest of Palestine. All attempts to call the Zionists and the new state of Israel to sanity and unity have so far been in vain.

The question of Zionism is as central as the question of apartheid in South Africa was. Zionism is a wrong response to anti-Semitism and manipulates the history, memories and identities of the Jews. Zionism is turning the Jews – Europe’s former pariahs condemned not to assimilation – into European colonists in the Middle East.

This nationalist ideology is not only criminal to the Palestinians, but offers no solution for the Jews, whom it deliberately endangers and whom it will mislead into traitors or accomplices.












Bemærk   ” bemærk “



Bemærk, at bemærkninger ikke har juridisk gyldighed  !  Bemærk at ting  SKREVET I GLOSSA  ikke følger juridiske retningslinier, og derfor ikke opfylder de formelle krav til at være juridisk gyldige, samt at disse til enhver tid kan underkendes i retsproceslige sammenhæng. Brug af glossa i juridisk sammenhæng skjuler underliggende informationer, der eksempelvis angiver i hvilken retning “sagens substans” må søges og findes. Glossa betyder “skin”, afledt af tunge (græsk) – en formet lyd på tungen er ikke det samme som sprog og mundtlig juridisk gyldighed ~ ligesom “skin” ikke er mere virkeligt end et fatamorgana, der får den tørstende til at associere det med en sø i ørkenen.

Processen om Israel og genocide i ICJ er endt med luskeri og uredelighed, som formodet. I det videre forløb er det overvejende sandsynligt at processen ved ICJ  “løber ud i sandet”  –  ligesom så mange andre processer har gjort før denne.

Dog har ICJ´s udtalelse “et figenblad” af etik og moral tilbage at dække sig under – svarende til det udtryk ICJ selv bruger :  er glasset halvt fuldt, eller halvt tømt ?

Det svarer, billedligt talt, til …

Er det soldatens kugle der penetrerer mennesket uden våben, eller er det mennesket der selv støder ind i kuglen ?

Er det præsten der dikterer “hvem gud er”, eller er det “gud der kommer .. ”  og modtages af præst, menighed og andre ?  Er det præsten, der har skabt “gud”, eller er det “gud, der skaber verden … i al dens mangfoldighed, uden hieraki, uden centraliseret magt  ~  er det “gud”, der ved at stille sig centralt i verdensbilledet  “underkender”  sin egen status  “ ?

Er det “google” der kontrollerer viden, eller er det viden der former og udvikler “google” ?

Kan nogen “eje”, overvåge, kontrollere og diktere “virkeligheden” ?

Få bilder sig ind at de kan, mange tror at de kan – en del ved at det ikke kan lade sig gøre.



Grundloven er skrevet i imperativt sprogbrug. Der står der, at monarken har al magt. Derefter står der, at monarken skal være medlem af kirken og følge dens tro. Lidt længere nede i pragrafferne står der at kirkens tro kan ændres. Der står til gengæld intet om frihed, lighed og broderskab, intet om demokrati og folkestyre, intet om finansinstitutioner og penge. Paragraf betyder afsnit, afsnit opdeler – hvem deler og hersker ?  –  hvem fører ordet og pennen i denne forfatning ???

Hvem gør i UN,  ICJ og alle de øvrige associerede institutioner ?



I én af Woody Allens film bliver han overfaldet. Med blå mærker og knuste briller stiller han sig efterfølgende an, og fortæller interesserede at han selv slog hovedet ind i voldsmandens knytnæve … og ved at lægge sig ned i asfalten overbeviste voldsmanden om at denne ikke havde en chance, og derfor forlod optrinnet …



Dette er ikke  (kun)  “ordkløveri” eller “tale med spaltet tunge”. Det er sådan jura er konstrueret. Det er sådan det ofte går til, at jura ender med at diktere virkeligheden – istedet for at det forholder sig omvendt, dvs retvendt … øhhh, dér kan du selv se …

Ord og skrift er i bedste fald kun referencer til en større virkelighed. Ord og skrifts mangelfuldhed og flertydighed fører ofte til krænkelse af retsbevidstheden og liv i videre forstand, og krænkelse af den ånd der refereres til. Referencer har ingen substans, og henviser ikke nødvendigvis til noget andet som måtte have det …







Full text :

ICJ – midlertidig afgørelse 2024.1.26





(  remove   and you have the full link )





Extract from ICJ :



THE COURT, Indicates the following provisional measures:

(1) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular:

(a) killing members of the group;

(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and

(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judge ad hoc Moseneke; AGAINST: Judge Sebutinde; Judge ad hoc Barak;

(2) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit any acts described in point 1 above;

IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judge ad hoc Moseneke;

AGAINST: Judge Sebutinde; Judge ad hoc Barak;

(3) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judges ad hoc Barak, Moseneke;

AGAINST: Judge Sebutinde;

(4) By sixteen votes to one,

The State of Israel shall take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians in the Gaza Strip;

IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judges ad hoc Barak, Moseneke;

AGAINST: Judge Sebutinde; – 26 –

(5) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip;

IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judge ad hoc Moseneke;

AGAINST: Judge Sebutinde; Judge ad hoc Barak;

(6) By fifteen votes to two,

The State of Israel shall submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order within one month as from the date of this Order.

IN FAVOUR: President Donoghue; Vice-President Gevorgian; Judges Tomka, Abraham, Bennouna, Yusuf, Xue, Bhandari, Robinson, Salam, Iwasawa, Nolte, Charlesworth, Brant; Judge ad hoc Moseneke;

AGAINST: Judge Sebutinde; Judge ad hoc Barak.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-sixth day of January, two thousand and twenty-four, in three copies, one of which will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the State of Israel, respectively.

(Signed) Joan E. DONOGHUE, President.

(Signed) Philippe GAUTIER, Registrar.









  • FN’s undergeneralsekretær for humanitære anliggender og nødhjælpskoordinator, Martin Griffiths: “Gaza er et sted domineret af død og fortvivlelse…. En folkesundhedskatastrofe udspiller sig…. Gaza er simpelthen blevet ubeboelig. Folk er under konstante trusler mod deres eksistens – mens verden passivt er vidne hertil”
  • Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO): “93% af befolkningen i Gaza står over for livstruende sult og mangel på alle andre livsvigtige betingelser. Mindst 1 ud af 4 husstande står i en katastrofal situation: for at overleve og skaffe mad og vand må de sælge deres ejendele og gribe til ekstreme foranstaltninger for blot at skaffe et enkelt måltid. Sult, nød og død er overvældende.”
  • FN’s Hjælpeorganisation for Palæstinaflygtninge i Mellemøsten (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini: “I løbet af de sidste 100 dage har vedvarende bombardementer over Gazastriben forårsaget masseflytninger af en befolkning  – konstant rykket op med rode og tvunget til at forlade stedet over natten, for blot at flytte til andre steder, der er lige så usikre. Dette er den største fordrivelse af det palæstinensiske folk siden 1948. Denne krig berører ca 2,3 millioner mennesker – hele befolkningen i Gaza. Mange påføres varinge mén, både fysisk og mentalt. Langt de fleste, herunder børn, er dybt traumatiserede
  • En pressemeddelelse fra 37 særlige rapportører, uafhængige eksperter og medlemmer af arbejdsgrupper, der er en del af FN’s Menneskerettighedsråds særlige procedurer, udtrykker bekymring over “genkendeligt folkemord og dehumaniserende retorik fra højtstående israelske embedsmænd.”





Israels forsvarsminister Yoav Gallant





De ovennævnte kendsgerninger og omstændigheder er tilstrækkelige til at konkludere, at i det mindste nogle af de rettigheder, som Sydafrika har påberåbt sig, og for hvilke det søger beskyttelse, er plausible. Dette er tilfældet med hensyn til palæstinensernes ret i Gaza til at blive beskyttet mod folkedrab og dermed forbundne forbudte handlinger, der er identificeret i artikel III, og Sydafrikas ret til at søge Israels overholdelse af sidstnævntes forpligtelser i henhold til konventionen.

Der er en reel og overhængende risiko for, at uoprettelig skade vil blive påført de rettigheder, der kræves, før domstolen træffer sin endelige afgørelse” – dvs. at der er en reel og overhængende risiko for folkedrab – og opfordrede Israel til at “tage alle rimelige forholdsregler i sin magt for at forhindre folkedrab. “

(  ICJ application 2024.1.26 )






”  Nogle vil være skuffede over, at domstolen undlod at beordre våbenhvile. Men det faktum, at domstolen beordrede de foranstaltninger, den GJORDE, herunder at beordre Israel til ikke at begå eller opildne til folkedrab, indikerer, at den har konkluderet, at det er (a) velbegrundet for palæstinensere i Gaza at kræve beskyttelse mod folkedrab, og (b) at behovet for beskyttelse er presserende. Jeg tror, at vi heraf kan udlede, at der i det mindste er en alvorlig risiko for, at Israel er på vej ind i udførelse af folkedrab ( se Gregory Stantons 10 skridt på vej mod genocide/folkedrab  –   –   fjern så har du det fulde link ). Dette er vigtigt, fordi det giver alle stater formel varsel om den alvorlige risiko for folkedrab og udløser statens forpligtelse til at tage konkrete skridt til at forhindre folkedrab.

Det betyder bl.a., at hvis stater skal opfylde deres internationale forpligtelser i henhold til folkedrabskonventionen, skal de gøre noget. For eksempel skal stater, der eksporterer våben eller militærteknologi til Israel, stoppe med at gøre det. Den korte variant: Denne rækkefølge af midlertidige foranstaltninger vil have en vigtig og umiddelbar indvirkning på, hvordan stater skal handle i henhold til folkeretten. Det vil også radikalt ændre den globale samtale om, hvad der sker i Gaza.  “

Heidi Matthews, juridisk ekspert










Chris Hedges  ~  2024.1.28 :



The International Court of Justice (ICJ) refused to implement the most crucial demand made by South African jurists: “the State of Israel shall immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.” But at the same time, it delivered a devastating blow to the foundational myth of Israel. Israel, which paints itself as eternally persecuted, has been credibly accused of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Palestinians are the victims, not the perpetrators, of the “crime of crimes.” A people, once in need of protection from genocide, are now potentially committing it. The court’s ruling questions the very raison d’être of the “Jewish State” and challenges the impunity Israel has enjoyed since its founding 75 years ago.  

The ICJ ordered Israel to take six provisional measures to prevent acts of genocide, measures that will be very difficult if not impossible to fulfill if Israel continues its saturation bombing of Gaza and wholesale targeting of vital infrastructure. 

The court called on Israel “to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide.” It demanded Israel “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance.” It ordered Israel to protect Palestinian civilians. It called on Israel to protect the some 50,000 women giving birth in Gaza. It ordered Israel to take “effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II and Article III of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide against members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip.” 

The court ordered Israel to “take all measures within its power” to prevent the crimes which amount to genocide such as “killing, causing serious bodily and mental harm, inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, and imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.”

Israel was ordered to report back in one month to explain what it had done to implement the provisional measures.

Gaza was pounded with bombs, missiles and artillery shells as the ruling was read in The Hague — at least 183 Palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. Since Oct. 7, more than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed. Almost 65,000 have been wounded, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Thousands more are missing. The carnage continues. This is the cold reality. 

Translated into the vernacular, the court is saying Israel must feed and provide medical care for the victims, cease public statements advocating genocide, preserve evidence of genocide and stop killing Palestinian civilians. Come back and report in a month. 

It is hard to see how these provisional measures can be achieved if the carnage in Gaza continues.

“Without a ceasefire, the order doesn’t actually work,” Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s minister of international relations, stated bluntly after the ruling. 

Time is not on the side of the Palestinians. Thousands of Palestinians will die within a month. Palestinians in Gaza make up 80 percent of all the people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, according to the United Nations. The entire population of Gaza by early February is projected to lack sufficient food, with half a million people suffering from starvation, according to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, drawing on data from U.N. agencies and NGOs. The famine is engineered by Israel. 

At best, the court — while it will not rule for a few years on whether Israel is committing genocide — has given legal license to use the word “genocide” to describe what Israel is doing in Gaza. This is very significant, but it is not enough, given the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. 

Israel has dropped almost 30,000 bombs and shells on Gaza — eight times more bombs than the U.S. dropped on Iraq during six years of war. It has used hundreds of 2,000-pound bombs to obliterate densely populated areas, including refugee camps. These “bunker buster” bombs have a kill radius of a thousand feet. The Israeli aerial assault is unlike anything seen since Vietnam. Gaza, only 20 miles long and five miles wide, is rapidly becoming, by design, uninhabitable.

Israel will no doubt continue its assault arguing that it is not in violation of the court’s directives. In addition, the Biden administration will undoubtedly veto the resolution at the Security Council demanding Israel implement the provisional measures. The General Assembly, if the Security Council does not endorse the measures, can vote again calling for a ceasefire, but has no power to enforce it. 

Defense for Children International – Palestine v. Biden was filed in November by the Center for Constitutional Rights against President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The case challenges the U.S. government’s failure to prevent complicity in Israel’s unfolding genocide of the Palestinian people. It asks the court to order the Biden administration to cease diplomatic and military support and comply with its legal obligations under international and federal law. 

The only active resistance to halt the Gaza genocide is provided by Yemen’s Red Sea blockade. Yemen, which was under siege for eight years by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, France, Britain and the U.S., experienced over 400,000 deaths fromstarvation, lack of health care, infectious diseases and the deliberate bombing of schools, hospitals, infrastructure, residential areas, markets, funerals and weddings. Yemenis know too well — since at least 2017 multiple U.N. agencies have describedYemen as experiencing “the largest humanitarian crisis in the world” — what the Palestinians are enduring. 

Yemen’s resistance — when the history of this genocide is written — will set it apart from nearly every other nation. The rest of the world, including the Arab world, retreats into toothless rhetorical condemnations or actively supports Israel’s obliteration of Gaza and its 2.3 million inhabitants.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the U.S. has sent 230 cargo planes and 20 ships filled with artillery shells, armored vehicles and combat equipment to Israel since the attacks of Oct. 7, in which some 1,200 Israelis were killed. U.S. weapons and military equipment are being shipped to Israel — which is running out of munitions — from the British base RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, according to the U.K. investigative website Declassified UK. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that more than 40 U.S. and 20 British transport aircraft, along with seven heavy-lift helicopters, have flown into RAF Akrotiri, a 40-minute flight from Tel Aviv. Germany reportedly plans to provide 10,000 rounds of 120mm precision ammunition to Israel. If the court rules against Israel, these countries will be recognized by the world’s most important international court as accomplices to genocide.

The ruling was dismissed by Israeli leaders. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, seeking to paint the decision not to demand a ceasefire as a victory for Israel, said “Like every country, Israel has an inherent right to defend itself. The vile attempt to deny Israel this fundamental right is blatant discrimination against the Jewish state, and it was justly rejected. The charge of genocide leveled against Israel is not only false, it’s outrageous, and decent people everywhere should reject it.”

“The decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people,” National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said. “They were silent during the Holocaust and today they continue the hypocrisy and take it another step further.”

The ICJ was founded in 1945 following the Nazi Holocaust. The first case it heard was submitted to the court in 1947.

“Decisions that endanger the continued existence of the State of Israel must not be listened to,” Ben-Gvir added. “We must continue defeating the enemy until complete victory.”

The court, which rejected Israel’s arguments to dismiss the case, acknowledged “that the military operation being conducted by Israel following the attack of 7 October 2023 has resulted, inter alia, in tens of thousands of deaths and injuries and the destruction of homes, schools, medical facilities and other vital infrastructure, as well as displacement on a massive scale.” 

The ruling included a statement made by the U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, who on Jan. 5, called Gaza “a place of death and despair.” The court document went on:

. . . Families are sleeping in the open as temperatures plummet. Areas where civilians were told to relocate for their safety have come under bombardment. Medical facilities are under relentless attack. The few hospitals that are partially functional are overwhelmed with trauma cases, critically short of all supplies, and inundated by desperate people seeking safety.

A public health disaster is unfolding. Infectious diseases are spreading in overcrowded shelters as sewers spill over. Some 180 Palestinian women are giving birth daily amidst this chaos. People are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. Famine is around the corner.

For children in particular, the past 12 weeks have been traumatic: No food. No water. No school. Nothing but the terrifying sounds of war, day in and day out.

Gaza has simply become uninhabitable. Its people are witnessing daily threats to their very existence — while the world watches on.

The court acknowledged that “an unprecedented 93% of the population in Gaza is facing crisis levels of hunger, with insufficient food and high levels of malnutrition. At least 1 in 4 households are facing ‘catastrophic conditions’: experiencing an extreme lack of food and starvation and having resorted to selling off their possessions and other extreme measures to afford a simple meal. Starvation, destitution and death are evident.” 

The ruling, quoting Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), continued:

Overcrowded and unsanitary UNRWA shelters have now become ‘home’ to more than 1.4 million people,” the ruling read. “They lack everything, from food to hygiene to privacy. People live in inhumane conditions, where diseases are spreading, including among children. They live through the unlivable, with the clock ticking fast towards famine.

The plight of children in Gaza is especially heartbreaking. An entire generation of children is traumatized and will take years to heal. Thousands have been killed, maimed, and orphaned. Hundreds of thousands are deprived of education. Their future is in jeopardy, with far-reaching and long-lasting consequences.

The court also referred pointedly to comments made by multiple senior Israeli government officials advocating genocide, including the president and minister of defense. Statements made by government and other officials form a crucial element of the “intent” component when seeking to establish the crime of genocide.

It quoted Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant who declared — two days after the Hamas-led attack of Oct. 7 — that he ordered a “complete siege” of Gaza City with “no electricity, no food, no fuel” being permitted. 

“I have released all restraints . . . You saw what we are fighting against. We are fighting human animals. This is the ISIS of Gaza,” Gallant told Israeli troops massing around Gaza the following day. “This is what we are fighting against…Gaza won’t return to what it was before. There will be no Hamas. We will eliminate everything. If it doesn’t take one day, it will take a week, it will take weeks or even months, we will reach all places.”

The ICJ quoted Israel’s President Isaac Herzog as saying, “It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. It is absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’état. But we are at war. We are at war. We are defending our homes.” Herzog continued “We are protecting our homes. That’s the truth. And when a nation protects its home, it fights. And we will fight until we’ll break their backbone.”

Today’s decision was read out by the ICJ’s current president, Judge Joan Donoghue, an American lawyer who used to work at the U.S. State Department and the Department of the Treasury before she joined the World Court in 2010.

“In the Court’s view, the facts and circumstances mentioned above are sufficient to conclude that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa and for which it is seeking protection are plausible,” it read. “This is the case with respect to the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in Article III, and the right of South Africa to seek Israel’s compliance with the latter’s obligations under the Convention.”

It is clear from the ruling that the court is fully aware of the magnitude of Israel’s crimes. This makes the decision not to call for the immediate suspension of Israeli military activity in and against Gaza all the more distressing.  

But the court did deliver a devastating blow to the mystique Israel has used since its founding to carry out its settler colonial project against the indigenous inhabitants of historic Palestine. It made the word genocide, when applied to Israel, credible. 










Palæstinas regression – Israels ekspansion




1917  :   Situationen i den osmanniske periode ( ca 400 år )

1946 :   udenlandsk jordopkøb, ekspropriering af palæstinensiske bønder frem til                                        statsdannelsen af Israel, jøder udgør under 10%,

1947 :   den nye deling ml Palæstina / Israel, jøder udgør 30%, palæstinensere                                            70% – landareal : 55% til jøderne, 45%  til palæstinenserne

1967 :    grænserne efter Israels invasion/besættelse af Palæstinsisk territorium,                                            jøderne har ca 80% af landareal, palæstinenserne ca 20%

2023  :   Palæstina reduceret til koncentrationslejre under total israelsk                                                          kontrol


– læg dertil Israels angreb på nabostater og okkupation af fremmed territorium, på Sinai, i Sydlibanon og Golanhøjderne i Syrien …. and still counting







Den irske menneskerettighedsekspert, Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh. Hendes tale i ICJ står som højdepunktet.  










Jeg føler mig magtesløs og uvidende..
Det er uacceptabelt at man kan “købe et land” – uanset hvordan det begrundes. Det er reelt at stjæle andres eksistensgrundlag. Verdenssamfundet har været vidne til det i mere end 75 år, uden at gribe ind.  Alle ved at det ikke er en holdbar situation, som stadig eskallerer.  Jeg slår blikket ned, fordi det gør for ondt. Alle går over gevind, også dem der vender ryggen til.


Genocide in Gaza  ( 7 parts ) :


1 :    Genocide in Gaza    ” year  75

2 :    Genocide in Gaza    requiem

3 :    Genocide in Gaza    a voice from Jerusalem  2024.12.23

4 :    Genocide in Gaza    the irish testament ( Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh, ICJ 2024 )

5 :    Genocide in Gaza    the judgment ( ICJ )

6 :    Genocide in Gaza    ” exodus II “

7 :    Genocide in Gaza     Quo  Vadis  ?


(  remove ∆  and you have the full link )




