Freedom ~ ” Enemy No. 1 ” of the state
” all forms of freedom are connected (bound to eachother ) :
Freedom of music leads to free feelings.
Free feelings lead to free thought.
Free thought leads to free acting.
Free acting is the ” Enemy number One ” of the state.
– if you don’t want evolution (the fundamental princip of the whole, constantly changing universe) you will forever be tied, addicted of, and deeply attached to revolution(s) ( – and thereby living under a manmade imposed “status quo” – a painful contradiction to an everchanging universe ), where you will be in an open prison and locked’in “now” ( lock’down = linked’in 😉 ), without your roots, family and history, without your past and ancestors, without your future and children, without a soul ~ but replaced with false ID … IOT … I‘ tech-no-logic non’ sense ( idioti = idiocy in danish ) .
If you don´ t want freedom, don’ t change the form of music ”
( freely after ) Jean le Ronde d’Alembert, ” freedom of music ” (1752)
” L’ État, ce n’est pas moi.. “
” Moi non plus ..”